Unwanted and Banished

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Daiyu's world shook at that very moment, what did he just told her? Banishing her? How could Komodo do such a cold-hearted and cruel thing? After all the effort, physical and mental pain and sleep deprivation, this is how he treats her? Just everything she ever tried to try and make him proud of her, just once

But instead he turned his back on her and threw her to the side like a used sock

"What?! Are you kidding? Why?!" Daiyu gasped as Komodo paced around

"Because I've been wanting to tell you this for a long time! The reason I didn't was because Bo kept making excuses to keep you here, but it has been enough. The boys are slacking and they're supposed to be men by now, the townspeople are ashamed to have you as their protector and therefore, everything was decent, until I found you at my doorstep! So I will have to tell you to go pack your things and leave by midnight, you know the consequences if you disobey me"

"You can't do this! You can't rob me my home and deprive me from Bo! This is my home, my only home!" Daiyu shouted desperately

"You were never the student I wanted and you've failed me too many times, so I will send you away! I do not care where your destiny is, as long as it is not here!"

Daiyu's eyes filled with angry tears, yet she managed to keep them in and not let them fall. The Valley of Void was the only place she knew as home, no matter how many of the townspeople hated her, no matter how much she got bullied and attacked, she still saw it as her home. And Komodo took that away from her

"This is it? After everything I've done for you?! Maybe it's just you, maybe you're just-"

But Daiyu got cut off by Komodo whacking her across the face with the back of his paw, making her fall backwards and yell in shock and pain, Daiyu leaned on her right arm as she held her left cheek that stung intensely badly and felt hot

Not only that, she could taste a droplet of blood coming from her lip. She gasped in horror at what Komodo had done, he hit her and gave her a busted lip. Tears fell down her cheeks as she stared at him in silence

"Listen here now, like I have already told you, you have until midnight. Unless, you truly want to challenge me and you know how my opponents end up" Komodo warned as Daiyu's tears kept falling and her whole body trembled, Komodo has told her and the boys about his venom and how his enemies always end up with their legs in the air and seeing Komodo's face for the last time, before dying a painful demise

As fear and adrenaline overtook her, Daiyu sped back to her room and slammed her door shut and locked herself up, crying into her paws from both the pain of being hit and of being kicked out and making her homeless. After calming herself down, she began to think

Daiyu hoped that Komodo would see his own coldness once she left and that he'd sent the boys to go look for her, but at the same time she hoped she'd also be able to find happiness outside the Valley of Void, so she started packing yet the flowing tears and rapid breathing didn't stop

Because, yeah. Was it really worth it to stay here at all? She couldn't even remember the last time where she wasn't fake smiling and pretending all the time

As she was starting with putting the bare essentials into her bag, the loud yet irritating voices of Stork and Beetle were heard snickering on the other side of her door. Daiyu knew they were only here to taunt her more, because they'd always do that outside her room

Physically assaulting her would always be done to her inside her room with the door locked

"Hey, Sore Eyes. Guess what, there's a guy that came to us and asked for you" Beetle spoke

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