KFP3: The Plan

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It was early in the morning and most pandas were still restless. Daiyu had to be the first one to be tended as she needed all her energy to heal Tigress, most of her energy was regained, but she had to be careful

The little pandas looked impressed as they watched Daiyu performing with her healing abilities and even asked her to teach them

"I'm sorry, little ones. But this isn't worth wasting your energy on. You're all still young, you should play and run" Daiyu chuckled as she and Tigress walked outside

"Where's Po?" Tigress asked as Daiyu pointed to the right on a high wooden standard

"I bet he's been there all night, nonstop practicing" Daiyu replied as they walked over to the place where Po was practicing on his self made dummy doll looking like Kai

"Please, it's pointless by the time Kai arrives here" Daiyu mumbled as he leaned against the wooden fence

He was on the edge of falling to the ground as he panted, just as he was about to throw another punch, Tigress grabbed his fist and stopped him

"This isn't going to work" Tigress spoke

"It has to" Po replied

"You're not thinking straight" Tigress stated

"I am!" Po argued as they soon began sparring

"You're not"

"I am!"


"Yes, I am"


"We've seen Kai. We've seen what he can do" Tigress told Po

"But he hasn't seen what I can do" Po said as he then jumped over Tigress and grabbed her finger, lifting up his pinky

"The Wuxi Finger Hold?" Tigress asked

"It's my best move. I just have to get to Kai, grab his finger and then skadoosh! Back to the Spirit Realm" Po explained as if it were that simple, then Tigress grabbed and turned his finger around, making him squirm

"He has an army of jade warriors. Everything they see, he sees. So there's no sneaking up on him. You will never get close enough" Tigress said as she had Po pinned to the ground

"It's gonna work!" Po argued as he tried to get up and fight Tigress, only to shove him back to the ground with her foot

"He can only be stopped by a true master of chi" Tigress stated as Po then got up

"Oh, you sound just like Shifu with the, "Chi, chi, chi." "Chi this. Chi that." "Chi, chi, chi!" I'm not a master of chi, ok? I don't know if I'm the Dragon Warrior. I don't even know if I'm a panda! I don't know who I am!" Po shouted as he sighed deeply while running his hands on his face

"You're right. There's no way I can stop him and his army"

"So, what now? We're the only ones left standing between him" Daiyu spoke as all was quiet, before someone spoke up

"You are not alone. You might have an army of your own"

They turned to see Li Shan walking out of the fog while holding his hat, looking as caring as always

"You?" Po asked as Li Shan shook his head

"Not just me"

Then Ping came from behind Li Shan


"All of us" Li Shan nodded as he gestured behind him, showing the entire panda village has come here

"I finally found my son, after all these years. It's going to take a lot more than the end of the world to keep us apart" Li Shan spoke

"But you don't even know kung fu" Po replied as Li Shan then insisted

"Then you will teach us"

"What? I can't teach you kung fu. I couldn't even teach Tigress and Daiyu. And they already know kung fu!" Po argued as Tigress and Daiyu nodded in agreement, Li Shan did seem unsure, but tried to stay strong

"Po, I know I'm the last guy you wanna trust right now. But you gotta believe me. We can do this. We can learn kung fu. We can be just like you!"

"What did you just say?" Po asked Li Shan

"Uh... "We can do this"?" Li Shan guessed

"No!" Po shook his head

""We can learn kung fu"?"

"After that!"

"Uh... "We can be just like you"?"

"Yes!" Po cackled

"We can?" Li Shan asked with a smile

"No! You can't! But you don't have to be! That's what Shifu meant. I don't have to turn you into me. I have to turn you into you!" Po exclaimed happily as Ping and Li Shan glanced at each other in confusion

"That doesn't make any sense" Ping replied

"I know! Thanks, Dads" Po thanked them as he hugged them both tight

"You're welcome?" They thanked in unison, still confused as Po then pulled away from them with full confidence

"I'm gonna do something I never thought I'd be able to do. I'm gonna teach kung fu" Po spoke as all the pandas followed him and got to work to teach them

Po's way of teaching kung fu was rather questionable to the two warriors, as they were used to the strict training sessions they've received. It was overall confusing for them

Right now, Po was gazing down at the whole village practicing and training for when Kai arrived, to distract the Jombies and do the Wuxi Finger Hold on Kai to send him back to the Spirit Realm

"They are ready"

"What?" Tigress asked with the little panda girl on her back

"The heck?" Daiyu continued

After that, everyone gathered around as Po was explaining the plan and the strategies to the pandas while Daiyu was silently praying in her mind as she clutched onto her chest with her paw

She stopped when Tigress placed a paw on her shoulder

"Are you really sure you're up to this? Is your leg ok?" Tigress asked as she glanced down at Daiyu's left leg and Daiyu nodded

"Yes. I mean, what choice do we have?"

"I just want you to be careful and not lose concentration. I know you miss Crane, but right about now they're not our friends. They've become Kai's slaves" Tigress reminded her as Daiyu nodded

"It's just that I never expected to fight Crane and now here we are, battling against each other"

"We'll get them back. I don't know how, but we will get them back" Tigress promised her

Kung Fu Panda: Crane x Snow Leopard OCWhere stories live. Discover now