KFP3: Battle in the Spirit Realm

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As the village was preparing for their upcoming battle, the little panda girl had a little tea party with Tigress and Daiyu, wearing flower necklaces and bracelets

Even when no one heard anything nearing towards them, Daiyu's ears perked up and placed her paw flat on the ground, alerting Tigress

"Daiyu?" Tigress asked

"He's nearing" Daiyu mumbled

And soon enough, a clanking sound could be heard in the distance, the well known sound of Kai swinging his blades across the ground

"He's here" Tigress spoke as everyone got to their positions and Po stood right outside the village's entrance, waiting for Kai as they all were waiting for Po to give them the signal

Just then, multiple coins came flying towards them in green smokes and soon enough, the Jombies were standing there in their fighting stances, including Shifu, the others and Daiyu's old master and classmates

"Now?" One of the pandas asked

"Wait for the signal" one replied

Then the Jombies jumped forward to attack

"Here we go!" Po shouted as he ran off

Everyone got to their positions to fight as Tigress and Daiyu were standing at the front fighting and taking the most damage

"Oh, Crane. I should've tied a boomerang around your neck when you were still normal!" Daiyu groaned sadly as she battled Crane, blocking each hit while also fighting Yak, Stork, Lemur and Beetle

"And as for you guys, I kind of like you this way" Daiyu snarked as she threw a punch and managed to get away from most of them and was only fighting Crane now

But then Crane did something that made her kind of nervous, he lifted himself from the ground as he flew above her and then came speeding down towards her. She wasn't able to see him anymore

"Oh, no"

"Daiyu, look out!" Tigress yelled as she jumped in front of her and blocked Crane's attack

"Might as well fight dirty now. Remember, you're the one asking for it" Daiyu shrugged as she kicked Crane in the shoulder and dodged his punches and kicks, until he managed to kick her into her side and then she felt and heard something


She covered her mouth as screamed in pain and she held her side tightly, collapsing onto her knees while trying to breathe through her nose

"That was a cheap shot!"

Tigress kept most Jombies at a distance as she hurried to Daiyu's side

"Daiyu!" She gasped as she helped her get up

"That stupid-"

"Are you seriously injured?" Tigress asked as Daiyu nodded

"Just a broken rib, again"

"Just a broken rib? Again?!" Tigress shouted

Just then, the Jombies disappeared into coins again and flew away from the village, back to the chi collector. Not much time has passed and Po came flying towards them and landed hard on the ground, bruised and beaten

Everyone gasped in horror at the sight as everyone hurried to his side

"Son!" Li Shan shouted as Ping followed him

"Po!" Tigress and Daiyu shouted

"I was wrong. I'm sorry. Run. Run!" Po yelled as Kai jumped in the air and threw his chain blades to the ground, pulling onto them and landed in front of everyone

Kung Fu Panda: Crane x Snow Leopard OCWhere stories live. Discover now