KFP2: Captured

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The sampan quietly sailed through the harbor, stopping underneath a stone bridge. Daiyu and the Five leaped up and began scaling up the wall. Po tried, but failed a couple of times before joining them on top of a rooftop overlooking the city streets

"Oh, how I've missed the solid stable ground" Daiyu mumbled in relief as she briefly gave the ground a peck, before earning a smug grin from Monkey and Mantis 

The palace tower could be seen far in the distance, at least miles

"That must be Shen's palace, on the other side of the city" Tigress said as they all kept a low profile on the roof, because they could still be spotted

"Alright! We'll march into the palace and proclaim: We are the Dragon Warrior and the Furious Five and we are here to bring you to justice!" Po exclaimed as he went to leap off the roof


Mantis and Daiyu immediately grabbed Po's feet as stopped the panda short and made him crash back into the roof, quickly pulling him back out of sight

"What are you doing? This place is crawling with wolves" Mantis whispered as they all peered over the roof. Indeed, there are a lot of wolf soldiers in every street and corner of the city

"Hey, isn't that the guy who hammered you in the face?" Crane asked as he gestured towards the Boss Wolf, who smacked a bewildered pig on the head as he passed by

Po and Daiyu both scowl at the wolf

"I do not like that guy" Po sneered as Daiyu nodded

"Me neither. He called me a cripple, flirted with me and punched me in the... that area of my chest"

"He did what? What did he do? What did he call you?!" Crane suddenly asked in an angry tone, before Tigress placed her paw on Po's shoulder and said

"We need to get to that tower without being spotted by those wolves"

"Got it. Stealth mode..." Po whispered as they creeped dancing down from the roof. Po attempted to sneak through the streets as he briefly spotted Daiyu and the Five leaping over the rooftops

While doing so, Daiyu kept hearing Crane mumbling and cursing under his breath, mostly about how he was gonna kick that Wolf Boss's butt, but it was way too quiet for Daiyu to fully understand

"Crane, what are you even saying?" Daiyu asked as Crane gulped and stammered

"Uh, um. I'm saying that the sky is beautifully clear, just too bad you can't see it. With your, uh, y'know... your disability"

Daiyu gave Crane an unamused look as she raised her eyebrow at him, but Crane chuckled awkwardly and became nervous, until they stopped on a rooftop and Tigress asked

"Where's Po?"

"How can you lose a guy that big?" Mantis asked as they all scanned the streets to look for Po

It wasn't long before they spotted a dragon costume with panda legs clumsily making his way down the street. Tigress covered her eyes in embarrassment as Daiyu cussed under her breath and the others were gobsmacked

On the street, Po knocked a huge lantern into a firework stall; sparkling, fiery chaos erupted in seconds. Daiyu and The Five leaped down to ground level as Po passed by, looking for his friends

"Guys! Guys?" Po called out as Monkey suddenly appeared beneath the costume

"Hey, Po-"

Startled, Po instinctively backhanded Monkey as the rest joined him beneath the costume

Kung Fu Panda: Crane x Snow Leopard OCWhere stories live. Discover now