KFP3: Kai the Chi Collecter

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"Just for the record, I will not be cleaning Po's- I assume this many arrows can't mean something good, am I right?" Daiyu questioned as she walked out of the Jade Palace and the ground was planted with many arrows and letters

"Nothing! I mean. Nothing" Monkey chuckled nervously as he hid a letter behind his back

"Are you hiding something from me?" Daiyu asked as Monkey shook his head


"You know I can't read, yet you're scared I'll find out somehow. Come on, spit it out!" Daiyu pushed Monkey to tell her, but he wouldn't


Daiyu tried to get the letter from Monkey, but he kept dodging and walking off

"Master Shifu" Daiyu turned to Shifu

"I'm not hiding anything!" Monkey tried to deny it, but Daiyu didn't listen

"Daiyu, I have bad news, which you wouldn't consider bad news. Along all the other masters in China, Master Komodo, Master Yak, Master Lemur, Master Stork and Master Beetle have also vanished" Shifu gently explained to her as Daiyu's eyes widened in disbelief

"I do consider it bad news, but for a whole other reason. Where are they now?" Daiyu asked

"What's that reason then?" Monkey asked as Viper and Tigress gave him a look

"Never mind"

"Kai has taken their chi. We are all that stands between him and the knowledge Oogway left in our care" Shifu replied as he gazed back at the Jade Palace, before walking down towards the statues of the master while the others followed him

"The villagers, evacuated?" Shifu asked

"Done, Master" Tigress nodded

"Crane, Mantis?" Shifu asked

"Still nothing" Tigress replied as Daiyu sighed deeply

"I hope nothing bad happened to them"

"Can't you see them somewhere?" Monkey asked her as Daiyu shook her head

"No, the two of them are sky high and I can't feel their vibrations. But I do feel someone coming towards us, someone huge. It's-"

Then, Viper gasped happily

"Wait, it's them!"

They saw Crane and Mantis flying above them, circling them. But they immediately saw that they weren't themselves anymore

"No" Shifu mumbled as Crane flew towards them and they had to duck down

The two of them landed a few feet away from them, they were made of jade. They became Jombies

Kai slowly approached from the green smoke while swinging his jade blades on the ground, which were attached to long chains

Everyone glared at him as they steadied

"Kai" Shifu spoke as Kai stopped in his tracks to stare at Oogway's statue, which Shifu and the others were standing in front of

"Nice. Very tacky" Kai smirked

"How dare you set foot on these grounds!" Shifu yelled

"Look at you pathetic fools. Groveling at the feet of Oogway the Magnificent" Kai taunted as Tigress narrowed her eyes at him

"You are not fit to speak his name"

"I am not fit, little kitten?" Kai smirked as he stopped swinging with his blades, Tigress snarling and growling at him as Kai then pointed at the statue with his one blade

Kung Fu Panda: Crane x Snow Leopard OCWhere stories live. Discover now