S2: Momma Told Me Not to Kung Fu

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"I need your full attention. The Iron Samara is a move that requires focus and concentration. So if you don't want to get hurt, pay attention" Shifu spoke as his students stood in a line in the training yard and Po was just twirling around and Crane kept staring off into space and onto the ground

"Crane. Po" Shifu spoke, trying to get their attention as well

"Be right with ya, stepped on a dumpling" Po tried to lick the dumpling off his foot, but fell over instead

Shifu sighed deeply

"You two will go last"

The other five bowes to Shifu as they moved to their positions. Tigress and Monkey faced each other before performing the Iron Samara. Near them, a training dummy suddenly rose from the ground. Tigress ran towards Monkey, who then flung her at the dummy

With Tigress in mid-air, she shattered the dummy with a single kick. Tigress and Monkey ultimately succeeded in performing the Iron Samara

"Very good" Shifu said as Viper and Mantis also successfully performed the Iron Samara


Shortly after, Po ran towards Crane, who held up his wings in a apathetic manner and just sighed while staring into nothingness. Po jumped into the air with no resistance from Crane as Po then crashed out of the courtyard

Yelling and grunting painfully as he fell down the stairs while the others were getting back in line. Crane just remained there looking down as Shifu scolded him

"Crane. If you'd done that in combat, someone could have gotten hurt!"

"Someone did!" Po yelled in the distance and C and suddenly snapped

"Someone always gets hurt! Kung fu isn't safe! It's just like my-" he stopped himself, before saying

"Like, someone said"

The others just stared at him in shock and confusion as Crane turned around while looking back at them

"I have to go"

As he walked out of the courtyard, Shifu asked

"What? Where?"

By the time Crane was near the door, Po had already come back climbing the stairs back up as he panted heavily and stumbled towards the door

"I'm resigning from the Furious Five" Crane said as he pushed the door open, accidentally hitting Po in the face with it


"Crane" Daiyu pled as Crane had his back turned to them and just spoke

"Goodbye, everyone. Forever" and with that, he flew away, leaving everyone confused and without clear answers to Crane's troubles

"What's-did he just-... Crane!" Po called for him, but it was pointless

"What has gotten into him?" Daiyu asked as Po shrugged

"No idea"

"I think you two should go after him and find out what this is all about" Shifu suggested as the two of them nodded and walked down the stairs to find Crane

"Oh, we'll definitely find out. Crane should know that he can just talk to us if something's bothering him" Daiyu said as Po nodded

"Yeah, you're his best friend" Then Po mouthed

"Maybe more than that"

"What?" Daiyu asked as Po quickly replied

"Nothing! I mean, he knows he can trust you, so I don't see any reason why he'd hide something from you"

Kung Fu Panda: Crane x Snow Leopard OCWhere stories live. Discover now