S1: The Kung Fu Kid

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Tigress, Mantis, Monkey and Daiyu were doing breathing exercises in the training hall and after they finished, they drank from their jugs of water

"Today's the Peace Jubilee, who will be wearing the Olive Branch Crown?" Monkey asked as Mantis shook his head, not knowing it

"The Peace Jubilee?" Daiyu wondered as Mantis nodded

"Yeah, you don't know..." Mantis trialed off as he could feel that Daiyu didn't grasp the concept of it and then asked

"You never celebrated anything in the Valley of Void, did you?"

"Other than New Year and the Winter Festival, we didn't had many celebrations or holidays that had anything to do with peace or joy" Daiyu shook her head as they have her a look

"Wow. You really did live a sad life" Monkey blurred out as Tigress elbowed him

"Doesn't matter, it is a special occasion and one of us will be doing the unification ceremony" Tigress replied as she just sat there on the steps while clearly hearing Po and Shifu's conversation outside, hearing them talk about the Peace Jubilee

"Anyway, one of us will be wearing the Olive Branch Crown" Monkey said as he grinned, liking the idea of wearing one

Then they walked outside, Tigress had heard enough, yet was still confused

"Wait, Po's wearing the Olive Branch Crown? Po? Traditionally, one of the Furious Five does the unification ceremony"

"C'mon, Tigress. The jubilee needs some new blood. Y'know, a fresh face, the new guy, show that the Jade Palace is looking toward the future. Plus, I get to wear the crown!" Po squealed happily while laughing as well

Tigress looked confused as she then smirked

"Po's right" she said as Monkey, Mantis and Daiyu shared confused glances, just like Po

"I am?"

"Am I missing something?" Mantis asked as Tigress shook her head

"No, because it also means he'll have to judge the children's kung fu matches"

She and Daiyu walked off as Monkey patted Po on the shoulder


"All you, buddy" Mantis replied as he and Monkey left Po confused and left with the other two warriors

"Uh, thanks?"

Daiyu turned to Tigress and whispered

"I assume it's something not to be quite joyful about, you make it sound like a punishment"

Tigress just shrugged

"It's more like the most awfully embarrassing thing that there is. Children want to show off their kung fu skills, but sometimes it's hard to be real honest with those innocent children and give them false hope"

Daiyu just grinned as she shook her head and entered the training hall, where Crane and Viper were already doing some warming-ups

"Well, I always say, "I'd rather hang out with an honest grump than a fake sweet heel-licker". Simple"

While the others were quiet, Monkey was laughing at Daiyu's personal quote and even wiped off an imaginary tear

"So, you want us to be brutally honest with those kids?" Mantis asked as Daiyu shrugged while Monkey finally caught his breath

"It's a good one, I really have to remember that one"

"It wasn't even intended to be funny, but alright" Daiyu shrugged

Kung Fu Panda: Crane x Snow Leopard OCWhere stories live. Discover now