S1: Bad Po

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In the training yard, Daiyu was doing tai chi as she stood on one foot, fully concentrated. With the weeks that have passed since she came here, she also made some happy memories and was hoping she'd have some peace

Hoping that she won't ever have her flashbacks constantly pester her in her mind

Her ears twitched as she heard someone slithering towards her and stood straight, knowing it was Viper approaching her

"Hey, Viper. Just doing some tai chi" Daiyu greeted

"Nice. Where were you earlier? We could've used an extra hand" Viper asked as Daiyu nodded

"I heard about the bandits, must've not seen them. Anyway, everything alright?" Daiyu asked 

"Po, Tigress and Monkey went out to deal with them. Crane, Mantis and myself stayed her" Viper explained

Just then, Po appeared from behind the two women and had a smug grin on his face, not really his signature expression

"What's up, my ladies?" Po smirked

"Being all shiny and joyful? What's the occasion?" Daiyu asked with her hands on her hips

"Being a powerful Dragon Warrior with his two obedient girls" Po replied as Viper and Daiyu's facial expressions turned to confused and offended

"Obedient girls?" Daiyu asked

"What's that supposed to mean?" Viper asked as Po answered

"It means that I don't get it. How come they let girls become kung fu masters? I mean, they're so emotional and dramatic. That's why they always loose. They're just good for two things, taking a man's order and stay in the house"

The two women looked stunned at his sudden misogynistic behavior, they never expected something like that to come out of their jolly friend

"Now if you'll excuse me" Po started sassily as he then began walking off

"Oh, you're excused. Because we're twice the man you're supposed to be, you overstuffed, ill-making spring roll!" Daiyu growled as she started approaching him quickly

If only Viper didn't hold her back, things would've turned nasty quickly at the moment

"Daiyu, let him go. He will get what he deserves, but don't waste your energy on him"

Just then, Mantis appeared and stood in front of them. The first he saw was a pissed off Daiyu and Viper trying to calm her down

"What's going on? Is Daiyu doing one of her cussing serenades?" Mantis asked as Viper shushed him

Daiyu took a deep breath to calm down and sighed

"Let's just get back inside, before Po here decides to have his death wish granted" Daiyu spoke, making Mantis gulp as the three of them walked back to the palace

It was all weird and annoying to them, but they still had training to do. Daiyu and the Five were in the training hall with Shifu as they watched Crane and Monkey spar

"Everyone has a dominant side. This exercise is made to help strengthen your weaker side" Shifu spoke as Po arrived and leaned onto Tigress

"Hey, good-lookin'. What's shakin'?" Po was obviously flirting with her

Tigress gasped as she then snarled at him while Monkey just giggled

"You're late" Shifu said as everyone stopped and then gathered around

"Do you care to explain where you've been?"

"Not really, Scoogily-moogily doo" Po answered with an attitude as Shifu was taken back by it, but continued talking

Kung Fu Panda: Crane x Snow Leopard OCWhere stories live. Discover now