KFP2: Musician's Village

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A pig child and a bunny child were playing with their action figures in the Training Yard, just in front of the Training Hall and were mimicking their hero's voices and telling stories

"And then, the Dragon Warrior joined the Furious Five! And later, someone new came as well!" The bunny child spoke

"And they became the most awesomest kung fu team ever!" The pig child nodded as the bunny child mimicked Po's voice

"Enough talk. Let's fight!"

They continued playing, until they heard loud thumping and voices coming from inside the Training Hall

"Listen, listen! You can hear the Dragon Warrior training right now!" The bunny child beamed with excitement

Inside the Training Hall, Daiyu and the Five were counting in unison on the same beat as the loud thumping noise



"Stop him!" Mantis yelled



"It's too dangerous!" Mantis yelled again



"Stay focused!" Tigress encouraged





"How is he doing that with his face?!" Mantis shrieked as he and the others stare in awe and fear at what was in front of them

Po was shoving a bean bun in his mouth, which was already stuffed with 37 other bean buns. After putting the bean bun in his mouth, he smashed his fist on the table


"38 bean buns!" Po announced with his full mouth, making it hard yet easy to understand him as they all cheered for him and Viper fainted

"Yes, new record! You monster!" Mantis cheered as Monkey insisted while holding a bowl with the left over bean buns

"Keep going. Hit 40!"

"He'll never hit 40" Crane said as Po took two more bean buns from the bowl

"You got it, buddy. I'll put it up to 40!" Po replied as Tigress challenged while smirking

"Do it!"

"No problem!" Po puts the two bean buns in his mouth and tried to close his mouth, but struggled while grunting. Everyone watched in silent awe

"Yeah, yeah. One moment" Po muffled as he finally managed to close his mouth shut, holding up his paws up in the air while they all cheered for him. Crane then approached him with a proud smile

"Well done, Po"

When Crane slapped him on the back to congratulate him, Po spat out the bean buns at the others while Monkey and Mantis got hit, Viper ducked and Tigress and Daiyu blocked some of them

"Your training has paid off" Tigress smiled warmly as the sound of a gong could be heard from a distance

"Oh, Master Shifu! Gotta go. See you later! You'll save those for me, right?" Po asked as he gestured at the bowl of bean buns and ran out of the Training Hall

"Po and his stomach still remain a mystery to me, even after living here for a year" Daiyu said as she wiped her paws clean

"It remains a mystery to all of us" Mantis shrugged as he wiped off some saliva that came off of the bean bun Po has spat out

Kung Fu Panda: Crane x Snow Leopard OCWhere stories live. Discover now