S2: Present Tense

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The Valley of Peace was covered in a thick blanket of white snow as children were throwing snowballs at each other, music was being played by a small band of three villagers and lanterns were hung in the streets

At Mr. Ping's noodle shop, Po, Shifu, Daiyu and the Five and several other out-of-towners were there to prepare for the Winter Festival

"Okay, everybody! Hehe. We're gonna have many, many, many people here for the Winter Festival feast. Lots of out-of-towners this year, like Xiao Niao, Li Tang and Difan Lui" Mr. Ping announced

"Yay!" Xiao Niao, the young water buffalo, cheered as she clapped with her hooves

"Welcome. Now, since we're inviting the kung fu masters here, there are going to be a lot of mouths to feed. So I'd like to thank the Furious Five for volunteering to help" Shifu spoke as Tigress and Daiyu looked confused

"I didn't volunteer"

"Neither did I"

"The both of you weren't there when Shifu passed around the sign-up sheet. So I wrote your names in. And even if you, Daiyu, we're there, you wouldn't be able to write down your name yourself. You're welcome!" Po smiled as he walked off, leaving Tigress and Daiyu confused and pissed off as well

Daiyu didn't mind it at all, but if she had only been told Shifu would pass around a sign-up sheet, she would gladly volunteer, but none of the others really told her

"Well, we got a lot of work to do, so let's all get to it"

"Great! Now, Po if you could-"

"I'm on it, Dad!" Po assured Mr. Ping, not letting him finish as he rushed inside the shop and went into his room while everyone else was set off to work

"Hey, uh. Daiyu, aren't you, I don't know, nervous?" Mantis suddenly asked her

"Nervous? For what?" She asked back

"You know, Master Komodo. He'll surely be here for the Winter Festival and along with his students, they'll just give you a hard time and you won't be really enjoying the feast" Mantis explained as Daiyu chuckled

"Oh, he won't come. Every year, he'd host it in the Valley of Void and wouldn't dare to travel hundreds of miles for anyone, let alone to a celebration that won't be held at his place. He thinks he's too good to travel for others"

"Are you sure about that? I mean, it's not a shame to ask Shifu just to be sure" Crane wondered concerned as Daiyu nodded

"I'm fairly confident in it"

Crane nodded, glad to know that Daiyu wasn't feeling upset because of the idea of Komodo most likely coming unannounced to the feast and making a scene the moment he'll see Daiyu

She told him about times when Komodo would hit and punch her harder during training on purpose and about the emotional abuse she underwent during her darkest hours. Those were the times Crane wished he could go there and give Komodo a piece of his mind after he hurt his best friend

Where he wished his could stuff Komodo's face deep into the ground and let him suffocate

"Alright. If you'll do the plates and seatings, then I'll do the decorations with Mantis" Daiyu compromised as they nodded

"No problem" Crane nodded

"Sounds good" Mantis nodded as they all got started

While Crane was helping out Daiyu, Mr. Ping called for Tigress and Xiao Niao for a job he assigned them to

"Tigress and Xiao Niao, I need you to wrap up some little presents I got for everyone" he said as he handed Tigress a box filled with little presents

"Yay! I love helping. Don't you love wrapping presents? It's so creative" Xiao Niao giggled excitedly as Tigress muttered

Kung Fu Panda: Crane x Snow Leopard OCWhere stories live. Discover now