KFP2: China's Downfall

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Daiyu and the Five stealthily approached the factory. They jumped over the outer wall past two wolf sentries and hid behind a pile of gunpowder kegs close to the entrance. Tigress spied several cannons through the partly open doors, before they closed

"If all of those weapons leave the building, China will fall" Tigress spoke as Viper then said with excitement

"We bring down the building!"

"Hey, guys! How about this?" Mantis asked as he stood on top of a powder keg while rubbing his tiny claws over a tiny pile of gunpowder


A small flame went up in his face and led to a tiny flame flickering on his antenna

"This will work" Mantis coughed

"Alright, let's go" Tigress nodded as Mantis coughed more

"I can't feel my face"

Daiyu licked her fingers and pressed them against his antenna, putting out the flame

"Gross. I'm all covered in your saliva now" Mantis scowled as Daiyu shrugged

"You're welcome"

They picked up the powder kegs and set off to work. Starting off by loading a cart full of those kegs as Tigress then shouted


With one hard push, the cart full of gunpowder kegs flew towards the building. Viper tossed Monkey a lantern, who smashed it over the kegs as they bursted through the entrance. Tigress shoved the cart into the middle of the room, where it toppled over and spilled flaming kegs and the wolves backed away

"Here's your New Year's gift!" Monkey shouted as Mantis nodded

"Hope you like it, 'cause you can't return it!"

As they turned around to leave, they suddenly heard Po yelling overhead and Tigress rushed back inside the building, spotting him swinging from the bucket

"Po?! What is he doing here?" Tigress gasped as they all looked from Po back to the flaming kegs

"Return it! Return it!" Monkey screamed panicky as they all hurried and doused all the kegs. They immediately got swarmed by a mass army of wolves

Po was struggling while fighting Shen as the masters quickly got outnumbered and made their way up the levels, only to be set upon by dozens of soldiers

"We got them! Go!" Mantis shouted as Tigress went to go after Po while the others were struggling to hold back the soldiers. She split-kicked two wolves before a large gorilla blocked her path, letting out a battle roar. Tigress snarled back and proceeded to fight her enormous foe

"Po!" Tigress shouted as she saw Po going after Shen while fighting the wolves

"Po, get away from him!" Tigress screamed when the gorilla grabbed her from behind and Po kept chasing after Shen

Some of the masters managed the keep the soldiers at a distance for a short moment, until one of them had managed to get a tight grip around Daiyu's ankle and pull her back, knocking her into the ground

"Daiyu!" Crane shouted as he kicked them wolves off Daiyu, allowing her to breathe

And while Crane was helping her get back up, they heard a loud boom and then saw Po flying while he was blocking the cannonball with a wok pan

"NO!" Tigress screamed as she got knocked off her feet when Po flew past her

Down below, they all looked up just in time to see Po being blasted out of the factory. He flew over the city and crashed into the river in the distance

They were so stricken with horror that they haven't even noticed the dozens of wolves attacking them again and eventually, recaptured them all again

Kung Fu Panda: Crane x Snow Leopard OCWhere stories live. Discover now