He Got a Grind Won't Stop; Till He Collapse.

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Foot tapping and nail-biting. That's all Hailee Steinfeld was good for at this very moment. She was with her man's family at Madison Square Garden, well they technically were still there but long from the enjoyment of courtside seats was now the mundanity of the visitor's locker room and tunnel as they anxiously awaited for news on Dante's condition. For the uninformed, after he and Knicks player Quentin Grimes dove for a loose ball, he and the former Houston Cougars star hit knees hard as if two trains had collided. From what he stated before he was taken to the locker room he said he didn't tear any ligaments but he felt something pop.

Amanda: Sweetie, I know you're nervous for him, we all are. But I think my baby would appreciate you becoming a nervous wreck on his behalf. He'd probably never forgive himself.

Hailee: It's just the game is over... hell he should've been out there by the start of the second half. It's the fact he's STILL in there is what's making me nervous.

Olivia: I have never seen him in that much pain like... EVER. Not since he tore his ACL back in his freshman year of high school. That injury alone screwed up any prospects of him going to a powerhouse school.

Hakeem: Yeah but this definitely reminds of that. Him having to use crutches-

Soon the doors opened revealing Dante with some bandages around his injured knee and some crutches.

Dante: Did anyone miss me?

Hailee never giving a second thought to it blitzed past his family and dove him into, wrapping her arms around his neck as he got a whiff of her strawberry scented hair.

Dante: Sorry for making you worry so much guys, I didn't mean to stay in there longer than the rest of them.

Hailee: What did they say? How bad is it? You can stay with me as long as you need-

Dante: I'm alright sweetheart. I didn't tear anything as I suspected, and they had enough time and tech to get a MRI while the game was still going on. Suffered a bad knee sprain that's going to keep me off the court at worst four to maybe six weeks. But the staff is hoping I can get back for practice for the third week.

Hailee: I feel slightly better that you did all that for nothing.

Dante: Yeah, just means I've got to walk with these damned things during that time. Not the first time it's happened. But hey, at least we won.

Hailee: That's good but still.

She grabbed his cheek super hard and began pulling.


Amanda: Nope, you had this coming. Maybe this will teach you self preservation every once in a while, son.

Dante: You're all some Judas's... OWWW! Okay, I'm sorry, I surrender!

Hailee: Just promise... no more scares like this. You're way too young to have your career end over loose balls... I want you to extend your career as far as you possibly can.

Dante: Look at you, trying to save me from myself. I'll try, for you at least. Now then, I remember something like a birthday celebration for my gorgeous ass girlfriend. Can we get out of here so I can get changed and celebrate you?

Hailee: Mmm sure, besides I'm pretty sure your family wants to spend some time with you... I'll see you later tonight.

She got on her tip toes, kissing her tall main squeeze as she left the family to handle some business of her own.

Dante: So Coney Island? Statue of Liberty? New York Style pizza? Y'all pick, it's my treat for turning you all into nervous wrecks when I went down.

Olivia: Can we get some pizza, the popcorn was not good at all.

The Heart of A Champion (An NBA OC X Hailee Steinfeld Romance)Where stories live. Discover now