chapter 1 - potential new friends

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I watched as the last friend I had left walked away and lost sight of her as she blended in with the rest of the people in the school hallway. "Just perfect" I muttered under my breath. I looked at the door, just so tempted to walk through it and get out of this hellhole, and so I did, because I couldn't bare another second of having to think about all this mess.

As I got closer to the neighborhood, the realization hit me and I stared to bite my nails, a bad habit of mine when I was anxious. What am I going to do? I have no friends anymore, all because of my supposedly "best friend" Hannah, who just randomly decided she hated me one day and threw some horrible rumors about me around. I sat down on a bench in the park near my house and got a cancer stick out from my pocket, hoping it would calm me down. That's when I spotted my big brother Dally coming up to me.

"Hey Laurie, aren't ya supposed to be at school?" he asked, sitting beside me and stealing the weed off my hands to take a hit. "Yeah... I just didn't feel like being there anymore" I said. He must have noticed my tone and the face I had on, because he stopped and asked me if everything was okay. "Ya know you can tell me anything right? I ain't your brother for nothing" he said. I decided to update him on the situation, even if I knew he was going to worry. Dal tries to put on a rough act, but he really cares for the people around him.

"Well, you know the girl I told you about, Hannah?" I looked up at him. "Yeah, that bitch who went on and lied to everybody on your school, you told me. What about her? Do I have to beat up anyone?" he said, making me chuckle. "Well yeah, that would be nice but I wouldn't want you to get in any trouble Dal" I smiled lightly, he could always get a grin out of me with the things he said, even when I was upset. "Well I officially just lost all my friends because of her stupid rumors. They all believed her" I looked to the other side of my head, trying to focus on the tree beside me so that I could forget what happened.

"Does she have a brother? I'm beating that fucker up" Dally said standing up. "Calm down Dal, it's not a big deal, they were all fake anyways. Plus, what does the brother have to do with anything?" I said, trying to get him to calm down a bit. "Well I'm guessing if that trash shares blood with the little broad, he must be a bitch too" he said. "Nice logic" I smiled "Really though, don't worry about it, I'll just find something to do" I said, starting to think about what in the hell was I gonna do this winter break.

"Hey, I know somethin' that will cheer ya up" He said, while I could almost see a lightbulb turn on on top of his head "I'll take you to the curtis house and you can get to know the guys better, maybe you'll like them". I had seen my brother's friends once or twice, but most of the times they were just hanging out at our house while I was in my room. "Okay, I have nothing to lose anyway" I said. "Sure then, see ya later Laurie" he said as he walked away, taking the cigarette I had lit up before with him. "Who knows, maybe I'll really like them" I thought to myself, while I got up to walk home.


So this was chapter 1 of my story, if anyone reads this could you please leave a comment or tell me if you liked it and if you think I should continue it? Thank youuu

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