chapter 7 - sleepover morning

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The next morning I woke up still on the couch, laying face-down on johnny's chest, with my arms up around his neck once again and his hands wrapped over my upper back. Did I really just fall asleep on him again? Last night I just assumed he would have gone to dal's room after seeing I had fallen asleep, I guess he just stayed there instead. I looked up to see him apparently peacefully asleep, softly breathing. "At least he won't notice I fell asleep over him once again" I thought. I very quietly and carefully got up, trying my best not to wake him up. As soon as I had successfully gotten myself up and off the couch, he spoke up. "Sleeping beauty's finally awake" he said, with his eyes still closed. Damn it. "Yeah good morning to you too johnny" I said, lightly laughing. I went over to the bathroom to clean up and brush my hair, as I probably looked crazy, and by the time I had finished he was already fully woken up and sitting on the couch watching mickey mouse. "Hey johnny, do you want breakfast?" I asked, going over to the kitchen anyway. "Sure thanks, would ya want me to help you with that?" he answered from the living room. "Don't worry about it, I just have to put some bacon and eggs onto the pan, it ain't rocket science" I said, laughing.

After a few minutes, johnny walked over to the kitchen and sat down on one of the wooden chairs. "So, tell me laurie, what's with your interest on falling asleep on people all the time?" he suddenly asked. I got a bit flustered. "Oh shut your trap will ya, I was just real tired yesterday, and the rest of the times too. It's like you give off melatonin waves or somethin" I said, chuckling and putting the plates down, sitting and trying not to die of embarrassment by how he had noticed that. I managed to change the subject and we spent a few hours just hanging around my house, talking and joking around. Then, johnny asked me if I wanted to go to the drive-in later with him, dally, pony and maybe two-bit, if he wasn't blacked out drunk. Even if it was a sunday, pony could come because we were on winter break anyway. "Oh yeah, sure i'll go with y'all, what movie are we watching?" I asked him. "I don't know, probably a beach movie, it's all they ever play" he answered while putting away his plate. I told him I would go get changed and he could change as well in the bathroom. I went over to my room to pick my clothes, but I couldn't be bothered to look through my dresser very hard today, so I kind of just threw on whatever.

 I went over to my room to pick my clothes, but I couldn't be bothered to look through my dresser very hard today, so I kind of just threw on whatever

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Me and johnny met at the front door and he said he needed to help dally with something over at buck's, so I hugged him goodbye. I had never done that before, but I didn't see him complain either way, as he hugged me right back. I decided not to lazy around in my house all day until the movie, so I went over to the curtis house. When I got there, they all greeted me. Steve was there too, and soda decided he would start ruffling my hair. I went back out to the porch where ponyboy was sitting and sat down beside him on the stairs. "Hey laurie" he said, chuckling as he blowed all his cigarette smoke on my face. "Hey pony, how you doing?" I asked. "I'm doing good, but I'd really like to know how you and johnny's marriage is catching up" he asked turning to me. "Shut up pony" I said, rolling my eyes. "Well, I'm still confused you know? And the worst part is, I keep embarrassing myself around him, it's like he brings that out of me" I rambled, thinking about all the times he had made me embarrass myself already. "How so?" he asked. I told him about how I kept falling asleep on him, and he laughed real hard. "Well start preparing for the movie tonight, because I think Dally picked up on it and he won't let you breathe for even a second". He was right. One more night of making a fool of myself in front of johnny for me today.

We went inside and I chatted with the three brothers and steve for a while, finally leaving with a book in my hand that pony had talked me into reading again. It was getting closer to the time of the movie, so I went back home to leave the book and touch up my makeup a bit before leaving. As I was about to head out, I heard my doorbell ring. I opened up the door to see johnny and pony standing on the doorway. "Housekeeping!" said pony. I punched his arm lightly and started walking with them. All the way there, ponyboy was throwing funny looks at me, and I shot him wide-eyed glares. After all, pony was johnny's best friend and I sure as hell hoped he wouldn't run his mouth, doubting if he had even done it already. We met with Dal along the way and finally got to the drive-in, sliding under the fence and getting ourselves some good seats. Dally started fooling around with a girl sitting behind us and cracking jokes at her, so we all couldn't help but to laugh.

After a while, Dally got up from his seat. "Hey baby sis, come with me to get some cokes will ya? I'm thirsty" he asked looking at me. "Alright" I said, shrugging and getting up. When we got in line, he spoke up. "So, are you gonna tell me or should I tell you?" He asked. "What? What do you mean?" I replied, confused. "C'mon! Johnny and you? You're really telling me there ain't nothing going on there?" He said, putting his hands on his hips and raising his eyebrows up and down. "For fucks sake Dal, you and pony both bugging me about that" I said, rubbing my fingers against my temples. "Come on man, you guys look at each other like you would look at a baby kitten" he said, laughing. "Well I don't know what's going on either Dal, I mean, he's just my friend if that's what you're asking" I replied looking up at him. "Well, I think there's something else going on over there so you might wanna look into that" he said, grabbing the cokes and walking out of the stand with me by his side. I sat back down on my seat and tried not to think about that, but of course, that couldn't be done. Was it really that noticeable that I was starting to see him as something else? Did he notice it too? How did I act so normal around him then? Should I say something? I mean, when things like me hugging him happened, he just went right along with it. What would that mean? After a while I pushed the thoughts aside and just watched the movie and joked around with the guys. The topic was still lingering in the very back of my mind though.

Heyy so it was my first day of school and I wrote this the night before night at 5am while pulling an all nighter so maybe some parts don't make sense idk 😭 anyways I hope u like it to the only two or three people who read this fic (i love u) haha ❤️

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