chapter 8 - cookies and feelings

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The day after my movie night with the boys my mind was still all over the place. For the next week or so, I hung around the guys and of course johnny, even if that meant having to really push my feelings aside - I definitely wasn't gonna tell him anything about this anytime soon, the guys had taken a liking to me and I didn't want to mess anything up. One evening, I wound up in a good mood. It was christmas eve so of course I would be happy, christmas is my favorite thing in the whole world, even if I didn't really do much for it, I just loved the winter good vibe. After lazying around for the whole morning and a bit of the evening, I got up and got dressed into a white long-sleeve, some jeans, a flannel and my converse - as much as I love christmas, I wasn't going to dress up for it. Us greasers didn't really do that and I couldn't be bothered. Plus, my wardrobe is everything but soc-y.

I got cleaned up and headed out the door, hoping to find at least one of the guys so I could ramble on about whatever

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I got cleaned up and headed out the door, hoping to find at least one of the guys so I could ramble on about whatever. I hadn't been walking for even 20 seconds when I saw johnny sitting on some tube-looking things beside the curtis house. I figured nobody was home, or else he would probably be inside. "Hey johnny, whatcha doin' out here all by your lonesome?" I smiled, approaching him. He looked up at me. "Oh hey, y'know, just thinking, I don't have much to do today anyway" he said. Suddenly, I had an idea. "Johnny, I just had an idea! It's gonna get dark in a few hours anyway since it's winter, and I'm really in the mood for baking. Would ya wanna make some christmas-y cookies with me?" I asked him, getting excited for it. I had all the ingredients at home, and I wanted the house to smell like freshly baked goods, something I also love about winter. "Hell, why not? It could be fun" he replied, starting to walk back home with me. My initial walk didn't even last a minute, but at least I had something to do now.

When we got home, I walked straight to the kitchen with johnny following right behind me, and I started to get things prepared for our baking session. I got all the ingredients, the utensils and my radio player so we could listen to some Elvis, just to form the environment. After talking for a while and just messing around, we finally started making the cookie dough. They were butter-vanilla cookies with red food coloring, and we used some while edible paint to draw little santa hats on them, with black for the outline. While making the dough, we joked around a lot. Johnny painted my nose with the white paint a bit, so I chased him around the kitchen until I finally got his nose with red food coloring too. "You look like rudolph the reindeer" I said, laughing. "Oh shut your trap", he said, putting me in a headlock while we play-fought between laughs. I quickly got out of it by pushing myself backwards, grabbing both his hands and going behind him, putting his hands behind his back and directing him back to the counter so we could continue decorating the cookies.

Quite a while after, it was already dark, although still late evening. We had already finished the dough, and with already a second batch of cookies in the oven, we sat down on the couch waiting for it to finish baking. We were sitting down in a comfortable yet strange silence, while a christmas eve special played on tv and the room had little to no light - I loved lighting candles at night and just leaving that on in winter. I could still see his face quite clearly though, and I knew that because I was subconsciously staring at him. Suddenly, he turned to look at me and I noticed our faces were actually quite close. I quickly turned away and looked back at the tv, but he spoke up. "Hey laurie, could I... tell ya somethin'?" he asked, while lightly biting his fingernail. "Yeah, sure... what is it?" I asked, now turning back to face him. He turned fully and moved right in front of me. He tried to play it off, but I could see that he took a deep breath and started fiddling with his fingers. "Well, this might seem weird to you, maybe I shouldn't" he said, with a nervous look on his face while turning back to face the tv. "Johnny, now that you've started you have to tell me! C'mon, nothing you say could be weird to me" I smiled, trying to comfort him a bit so he could tell me.

He turned back to face me, but stayed silent for one or two minutes. "The night of the party... I remember laurie, what you told me." he said, looking down. I buried my face in my hands "Oh my gosh, I'm really sorry johnny, I hope that didn't make you feel weird" I said, wanting to jump out the window. He didn't listen to anything I was saying. "Do you remember what I said after?" he asked, now lifting his head up to face me. I started to make memory, trying to recall that night. Suddenly, it was almost like I heard his voice in my head. He said he "liked my face too"? Well that was a weird response, and it didn't tell me anything, it was probably the first thing that hopped into his mind. "Yeah, I think I do. What about it?" I asked, still feeling my face hot. "Well laurie, I replied with that dumb answer because you caught me by surprise, but I would've said so much more." he looked straight into my eyes, but fell back onto the couch next to me. Now I could feel my hands getting sweaty.

"I don't know if ya noticed, but when Dal first introduced me to you, it took me some time to say somethin' and I still stuttered gettin it out." I just listened. "Hell, I saw a pretty girl with a pretty smile sittin' next to me, asking me what my name was, so of course I got nervous." he chuckled and looked up at me, my head was turned to face him. "What I wanna say is" he struggled for a little bit. "I like you, laurie. I really like ya." I examined his face. I could tell he was rambling on, but he had his soft side smile on. I could stare at it my whole life. "I'll say it even if I'm real embarrassed right now, buy I feel ya should know it. I'm not really used to this, but" he made a pause. "Would ya be my girl? I wanna watch sunsets with you, be able to kiss you whenever I feel like it. Would ya let me?" his voice died down a bit at the last question, almost in a whisper. I let his words sink in. I knew I felt the same about everything he said. I grabbed his arm and sat him up in the couch. He looked at the floor beside him only with his eyes, his head still turned to me, waiting for me to say something. But I didn't.

I put one hand on the back of his neck with the other resting on his jawline, and pulled him into a kiss. It lasted for a few seconds until I pulled away, feeling like maybe he didn't want this. Instead, he opened his eyes to look at me, closed them again and pulled me back in himself, giving me the sweetest, most gentle kiss. This time he put his hand around the middle of my back grabbing my waist, and his other hand softly made its way up and sank into my hair, at the back of my head. I lightly pushed him back so he would fall onto the couch and started kissing him more deeply. He pulled my waist in even closer so my body was glued to his, and I put my hand on the side of his head, touching his hair. Suddenly, I stopped caring about everything, not thinking about anything else. Not my hand getting dirty from messing with his greased hair, not my friends, not the cookies baking in the oven. Right now, I just cared about him.
CMON AN APPLAUSE FOR THIS COUPLE THAT ARE IN LOVE!! Alrighttt so I was desperate af to finally write about something actually happening between them, so here you have this cute chapter 🫶🫶 new one soonnnnn

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