chapter 13 - overthinker

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If you wanna have a better experience, listen to There Is a Light That Never Goes Out by The Smiths while reading this because I listened to it while writing and it felt so perfect for the chapter :))

After my chat with two-bit the day before, I was feeling much more relaxed and ready to try to find johnny and talk to him - and if he didn't want to, well tough, because I needed my answers. I just hoped I would find him, and was still wondering what had happened with him. I was determined to find out today though. I woke up a bit later than usual, it. was already 12:00 when I got out of bed. I got dressed with leather and denim as usual and got myself ready. I grabbed a pack of cancer sticks and my switchblade as I was going to go out alone and walked out of the house hoping I would see any of the guys around.

 I grabbed a pack of cancer sticks and my switchblade as I was going to go out alone and walked out of the house hoping I would see any of the guys around

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I lit up a stick and sat down on the curb at first so I would get a bit of air first. I leaned against the tree that I had behind me and looked up, closing my eyes. I got lost in my thoughts for a while, the cigarette calming me down. After what felt like an hour - although it was probably just 5 minutes - I heard some steps coming towards me. At first I didn't give it much attention until I felt the steps speeding up when they got closer to me, almost as if they wanted to avoid me. It was then when I opened one eye and saw black greased hair, a denim jacket and matching jeans through the corner of my eye. I immediately reincorporated myself and went to stand up. "Johnny! What are you doing?" I half-yelled, picking up my pace. I think he saw that he wasn't going to get out of the situation he was in, so he started slowing down until he was standing still. I watched as he kicked a stone that was on the ground until I caught up with him.

"Johnny" I greeted him, crossing one arm over my stomach and letting my other arm drop. "Yeah?" he said, lifting his head up to look at the sky and then looking to his side, avoiding my gaze. "What the hell do you mean 'yeah', johnny? Don't you think you owe me an explanation as to why you left me in the middle of our date the other day and didn't show up anywhere yesterday?" I opened my arms and then let them fall to my sides, making a loud noise. "I don't wanna talk about it." I saw that he was slowly starting to turn to walk the other way, so I got in front of him before he could. "Look johnny, I love you, and, as far as I know, I would think you love me too. But if you just keep to yourself everything that's happening to you, I don't think we can have a healthy relationship!" I was getting angry at this point. Suddenly, he rubbed one of his hands over his face and raised his voice a bit, something unusual in him normally. "Look, I already told you, it's not about you, it's me, alright?!" he sighed. "Well, at least if it's not about me then you could tell me what it is! I understand that you can have your doubts, and I understand that this is your way of thinking, but I didn't think it was like you to leave me hanging like this!" I raised my voice as well.

Suddenly, his expression relaxed and he plopped down onto the curb, sitting down and supporting his head with his fist. He looked down. I sat down next to him, but kept my distance because of the situation. "What I mean when I say that it's about me is that, I had thoughts about this before, but the movie that we saw yesterday really got me thinking. I just don't think that I can give you what you need. You know the guy from the movie? He was the perfect man for his girl. I'm not like that, ya know? You're a whole lot of stuff, and I can't give you anything. I can't be consistent with my thoughts and who knows what I'll do next. You deserve something better than that." His gaze was fixed on the ground the whole time and he spoke calmly although his voice was shaky at some points.

"Look at me for a second?" I asked. He hesitated for a second, but held his head up to look at me. "Johnny, do you really think that I need you to give me things or be the most perfect boy? I don't know what put those thoughts in your head. I know that you can't have the perfect mood all the time. I know you get weird at times and overthink everything, and I know that I can't change this way you're thinking. But, you need to know that even in those moments, to me you're still the perfect boyfriend, even when you don't want to talk, or when you have your thoughts. I know that you never think you're enough or you think I could do better, but you've got it so wrong. I've had the best two months ever with you and I would like to have so much more. Do you think relationships are perfect? Of course not, and ours doesn't have to be, but isn't that what it's about? Apart from love, we need to guide each other and help each other grow. So, the only thing i'm asking of you is to explain to me when you're feeling down so we can deal with it together. What do you think?" I got a bit closer to him on the pavement.

His eyes lit up after my little speech. "You're right. I hadn't thought about it like that. And I'm real sorry for leaving you alone the other day. You think you can forgive me?" he asked, looking back down. "Of course I can, stupid. You promise to tell me next time you're having silly ideas?" I said, nudging him with my shoulder. "Sure" he smiled at me and I put my head on his shoulder, once again closing my eyes and just happy to be with him again.

Woah it's 3am already

Well that got deep. Soo, here it is, I told you it wasn't gonna end like that :) anyways I think this is so in character for Johnny, I feel like the thing he would need the most would be words of reassurance to know that he's loved.

Apart from that, I just wanted to say that I LOVE the wattpad girlies cause there's been a few of you leaving comments and it's so validating because sometimes I really don't like the story so thank u you guys are so nice and I love you😭🫶

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