chapter 10 - nightmare

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"Johnny, please don't!"

"I can't be here for much longer laurie, so I should try to end it as soon as possible so you won't become any more attached to me"

"Johnny I can't miss you any more than I already would, please, don't!"

"I'm sorry."

I woke up with a sharp breath escaping my lips, my eyes wide as I immediately shot up from the bed and sat down. I closed my eyes back again and buried my face in my hands, trying to calm myself down. Not even a few seconds had passed and johnny was already sitting up from beside me. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? What's wrong?" he said, rubbing his hand up and down my arm, trying to see my face which was still covered by my hands. As soon as I heard his voice, I threw my arms around him and buried my face into his shoulder. "Sorry for waking you up, I just had a really bad dream" I said, my voice muffled against his chest. He hugged me tighter and started to stroke my hair. "It's okay, you're safe now, you wanna talk about it or not?" he comforted me. "Well, in my dream-" I pulled away. "You were gonna do something bad.." I said, looking him deep in the eyes, my brows turned downwards sadly. He stayed quiet for a moment.
"...To you?" he asked me with a flat voice, looking down at his hands. "No.. to yourself". When he heard that, he visibly relaxed and laced his hand on mine. "I would never laurie, not while you're alive" he said, looking back up at me. I hugged him and laid us back on the bed, putting my face against his chest and intertwining my legs with his so we were really close together. It was still dark outside so it was probably late in the night. In a matter of seconds, we fell back asleep, this time I knew johnny would be safe.

I woke up a few hours later with johnny's head now buried on the crook my neck, hugging me, the sun shining although it was still cold outside. I gave johnny a kiss on the top of his head and tried as carefully as I could to move without waking him up. I managed to get away from him and I got up, walking to the kitchen to start making breakfast. I was putting the last piece of toast on the plate when johnny came up and hugged me from behind, putting his arms around my waist. I turned around in his grasp and hugged him back, the top of my head brushing his nose. He was only a bit taller than me, and it was perfect. I pulled away and sat down, signaling for him to sit in front of me. We ate breakfast while talking and laughing, and then decided we would get dressed for the day; I didn't want to lazy around today. After a quick look through my dresser, it wasn't really hard to pick out an outfit. I always wore the same types of things anyways. I went out to the living room and sat on the couch, waiting for johnny to grease his hair.

It had been a week or so since christmas, and I had been on cloud nine since johnny had opened up to me

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It had been a week or so since christmas, and I had been on cloud nine since johnny had opened up to me. He had slept at my house every day since that day, and we were in a sort of honeymoon phase. When he was done dressing up, he emerged out of the hallway and looked down at me with his side smile, putting out a hand for me to hold. I loved to see him smile, it was new to me as he didn't smile much the months before we got together. I pulled myself up from the couch with his hand and looped my arm around his, putting my head on his shoulder. "Let's go to the curtis" I said, after coming to the conclusion that there was really nothing better to do. We walked for not even a few seconds before we got to the curtis house front door, and I stopped him before we went in. "Alright, from now on you're my friend okay?" I said, giving a chuckle. "That's gonna be real hard for me" he smiled with his teeth, putting his hands around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned in for a kiss, burying my right hand in his hair, getting it full of grease. After a few seconds I pulled away. "Well, enough of that" I said, squeezing his hand before pulling it away and opening the door.

We greeted everyone and Dallas immediately came up to me. "Hey kid sis, gimme five" he said, putting his left hand out. I smiled and crashed my right hand against his. Not even a second passed by and Dally jerked his hand away. "What even do you have on you hand man? It's sticky, it looks like hair grease!" he announced loudly, making everyone's heads turn to us. "Oh, yeah it is" I said, shaking my hand away from my body trying to get it out. "But you don't wear hair grease" Steve butted in from across the room. "Yeah, I know.. I- I helped johnny put it on" I said, making it sound convincing. Dal looked over to Johnny, who's hair was all messed up and bumpy on the back from me before. "Alright.." he said, giving me a sly grin and a wink. I rolled my eyes and buried my face in my hands for a second before looking back up. Me and johnny sat close together on the couch, but not soon after, two-bit spoke up. "Hey guys, how 'bout we go to the park and play some football?" he asked, abruptly getting up at the same time. "Yeah, alright man, let's go, haven't played in a while" Dally replied, getting up from his spot on the floor. I wrapped dally's black leather jacket around my body and followed the guys, who were already out the door hollering at each other and doing backflips. When we got to the park just a few minutes away from the house, I sat down in front of the grass with my legs crossed. I was cheering on steve and two-bit who were now somehow on the floor fighting when soda spoke up. "Aw man we forgot a ball!" he complained, throwing his hands in the air. Dally put his hands on his hips and looked in the distance, squinting his eyes. "I'll fix that" he said, running off to the far part of the grass.

I turned to look at him and soon enough, I saw him approach some kids who were sitting down on the grass. They were far enough that we couldn't hear a word him or the kids were saying, but in a matter of seconds, the kids ran off and Dally turned around, waving a football in the air like it was a trophy. When he got back, I couldn't help but laugh. "What did you even say for them to run off all scared?" I asked. "I'm not telling ya or you'll run off too" he replied, winking at me. I smiled and rolled my eyes. The guys didn't question him and got on with the game, using the two goals on either side of the grass field. "Come on man, get him!" I shouted as loudly as I could from where I was sat, watching as pony ran after johnny, who was meanwhile trailing the football along with him, kicking it and aiming for the goal right before pony tackled him, misdirecting johnny's foot and making the ball go out. "Come on that's no fair, this kid's a track star!" he said from the floor, his raspy voice rising its tone at the end. "Yeah yeah, whatever you say" pony laughed, getting up from the ground and dusting off his dirty jeans. I couldn't help but blush seeing johnny play football. His hair was messed up and his jean jacket's collar was too, with one side flipped up and the other down. I looked another way to giggle. "Gosh i'm acting like such a 13-year-old" I whispered to myself. Suddenly I felt somebody sit down next to me. "Did ya say something?" johnny spoke. "It's nothing" I said, giving him a slight smile, my face still warm. I waited until none of the guys were paying attention to sneak him a quick peck. He looked at me with wide eyes, but then smiled. He looked over to the guys, who were shouting about wether a point was valid or not, turned to look back at me and quickly threw himself onto me, putting his hands on either side of my face and giving me a strong kiss, letting out a sharp breath when he pulled away. I laid down on the floor and started laughing really loudly, johnny soon joining me. "What are y'all laughing about?!" Steve hollered from across the field. "It's nothing!" I hollered back, turning to look at johnny's face close to mine, his head resting on the grass.

Oh my gosh I finally updated, I'm real sorry it took me so long. I don't really like this chapter, its kind of a filler, but there's some more cute moments with johnny here for you. I've been busy with life I guess as I started this fic in summer when there was a bit less stuff to do, but I'll try to update more from now on. I have no idea on how to continue this though so maybe It'll take a while as I have no inspiration at the moment 😭😭❤️

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