chapter 9 - celebration

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That evening, after we pulled away, I cuddled with johnny until the oven's timer went off and I took the cookies out. "Hey johnny, you wanna put the cookies away and take them to the curtis so the guys can eat them? We made way too much just for us" I asked from the kitchen, facing away from him while I put the cookies in a container so he wouldn't see the goofy smile that was plastered on my face. "Yeah, sure" I heard him say from the kitchen. I looked at the clock, 6:45pm. Even if it was already dark, I knew all the guys were still over at the curtis home. After all it was christmas eve and few had the luck to celebrate with their families. My parents didn't go a minute without working to provide for the family, and their bosses wouldn't care whatever holiday it was. I pushed those thoughts aside and went back to being happy about what had just happened - I had just gotten myself the best boyfriend you could ask for. I went back out to the living room, cookies in hand, and gave johnny a smile. I put my hand out for him to grab and he lifted himself up. I took the opportunity to loop my arm around his and put both my hands on his upper arm, resting my head on it too.

We walked over to the house next door - the curtis house - and I stopped him right before we went in, putting myself in front of him. "Alright, before we go in, are we telling them about this or not?" I asked. "Well, what do you want? I don't mind" he said, putting his hands in his pockets. "I don't know, maybe we just tell them if they ask? You know how they're bringing it up all the time, so I don't think it'll take too long" I replied, letting out a chuckle. He gave me a side smile and nodded, so I took it as a sign to walk into the house with him. "Hey guys, it's me and johnny" I announced as we walked in alongside each other. Everyone greeted us and I spoke up again. "Two, steve, we made cookies!" I said, raising my eyebrows up and down as I knew they would come running over here. Two-bit came up to me and practically snatched the tupperware out of my hand, while I laughed. "Thanks laurie" he winked at me. Him and steve sat down in front of the tv and started to absolutely devour the cookies. I went up to Darry in the kitchen. "Hey Darry, do you need help with anything? Ya know I love cooking" I said. "Hey kiddo, don't worry, I'm almost finished up over here" he answered, giving me a smile. "Alright then" I said walking away.

For the rest of the night, we had dinner, played some poker, joked around and drank some beer while listening to music. At some point a while after dinner, dally basically dragged me outside with the excuse of having a smoke. "Alright dal, we all know you can't be bothered to step outside to have a smoke, what's up?" I asked, knowing he always smoked inside the house. "Nothin' man, I just wanted to know if there's any updates with the lovebirds of you and johnny" he said, looking down at me. I knew somebody was gonna ask at some point. "Will ya ever stop talking about it? Anyways, I'll tell you but don't go all around hollering 'bout it alright?" I said, lowering my voice. He let me continue. "Well, when me and johnny were making the cookies he kinda told me he liked me and now we're kinda a thing" I gave him a smirk. "WELL THAT TOOK FOREVER!" he practically yelled, throwing his head backwards. "Oh my gosh dal shut your trap, I'm sure the whole neighborhood heard you by now" I whisper yelled, burying my face in my hands. "Yeah yeah whatever, well I'm glad kid, you're better off with johnnycakes than with that kid curly shepard" he said, rolling his eyes at the last part. "Ain't that the truth" I replied, starting to walk back into the house.

Thankfully, nobody talked about it for the rest of the night and we had our fun. When a couple of the guys had left already, I decided it was time for me to head out too. "Well guys, thanks a lot for dinner and everything but I think it's time for me to head out" I announced, getting up from the couch. "It's no problem kid, have a good night" Darry said from his spot in the armchair. "Are you going somewhere? I'm really bored" ponyboy asked from the couch, looking up to me with his head resting on his fist. You could tell the kid was in need of some action, but I wasn't heading anywhere right now. "Sorry pony, no more fuss for me tonight, I'm just gonna head home" I chuckled. "Bummer" pony replied, disappointed. "Johnny, you coming?" I said, looking over to him. "Sure, thanks guys, I'm going with her" he got up from the floor. "Bye y'all, stay safe" sodapop shouted from the kitchen as we were already heading out the door. We walked over to my front porch and sat on the stairs. "Pony sure looked bored, that kid's in need of a good party huh?" I laughed, remembering his face. "Yeah" johnny chuckled, grinning at me. I put my head on his shoulder and he rested his face on my head. We sat in a comfortable silence, enjoying how peaceful it was. It was a cold, dark night, the street being lit up by the orange-toned streetlights.

"Hey johnny, you wanna walk over to the lot and watch the stars for a while? There sure won't be any socs around in christmas eve, so we can stay out later" I said after a few minutes, not feeling like staying in anymore. "That's a good idea" he said, already getting up and putting his hand out to help me up. I walked alongside him, not letting go of his hand until we got to the old car seats in the lot. We sat down and I cuddled up to him, burying my face into the crook of his neck. He put his arm around my shoulders. "You know, when Dally dragged me outside earlier, he asked me about us, so I told him what happened" I spoke up. "That's good" he replied, using his free hand to play with my hair. "Yeah, let's just hope he doesn't go around running his mouth" I said with a little chuckle. He turned his head to face me so I did too, looking up at him. "Well, I wouldn't mind if he did" he whispered before putting one hand on my cheek and pulling me into a kiss. I melted into it, putting my hand on the back of his neck and wrapping my other arm around it, pulling me closer to him.

I accidentally sent the photo at the top to a girl I'm not friends with anymore n I can't delete it 😟😟 wanna jump off a cliff tbh. Anyway I hope u loved it!!

BTW, this fic probably won't have any smut as it's kinda embarrassing being the one writing it, and I love fluff and cute stuff sm so yeah. Well, that's unless I feel like it while writing. Or the chapter has a good situation for it, or if it would add to the story so who knows tbh😭

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