chapter 5 - i didn't forget

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I woke up real late and feeling like shit. My head was pounding, I was dizzy and overall everything was fuzzy. Surprisingly, I remembered some things about the night before. I remembered dozing off in one of Buck's rooms, but I had strangely woken up back in my own bedroom. "Dally must have brought me here" I thought. I got up and went over to the kitchen to chug some water and eat breakfast. As I was eating my cereal, I heard a knock on the door. "Coming!" I hollered, running to grab my hairbrush from the bathroom to at least look at little decent before seeing anyone. When I opened the door, I saw johnny greeting me with a smile on his face. "Hey laurie! Crazy night huh? How'd ya sleep?" He said as he walked in, having a slightly different tone on his voice. "Oh hey johnny, yeah, I know, even some parts of last night are fuzzy. I slept well thank you. What brings ya by?" I asked. "Oh, well I just wanted to check on you, last night you got crazy drunk and I had to put you to sleep on Buck's bed" he said with a chuckle.

Then it hit me. As soon as Johnny told me he was the one who put me to bed, I remembered about what I had told him. My cheeks suddenly turned red. "Uhh yeah, right..." I replied, wishing the ground would swallow me and spit me back out far away from here. "Well Johnny, how did you end up last night? Ya drink a lot?" I asked, praying he would tell me he got crazy drunk and didn't remember anything. "Well, I did end up drinking, Dal talked me into it and we had a good time" he answered looking back at me. Shit. He probably remembers and just isn't telling me. "No, he probably doesn't, stop thinking negatively, he got drunk as well" I thought to myself, trying to calm down. I decided to change the subject and offered johnny some breakfast. He accepted and we started watching some tv and hanging out, while I tried even harder to convince myself he hadn't remembered, talking to him just like I would on a normal day. After a while, we said our goodbyes and he went his own way, saying he had to help out two-bit, soda and steve with something. I got dressed and made sure to grab my box of cigarettes, as I wanted to go on a walk and clear my mind.

I had been walking for a while when I spotted ponyboy coming out of the movie house. I thought about how I really had to talk to someone about this just to get it off my chest, and I figured as we had also been starting to grow closer these past few weeks, I might as well tell him. "Pony!" I called out. He turned around and started to walk over to me when he spotted me. "Hey laurie, what's up?" He greeted me, smiling. "Pony, I need to talk to ya but you need to promise me you won't tell anyone that this is bugging me alright?" I looked at him. "Sure, whatever you wanna talk about I'm here" he said, now being really curious. I explained the situation to him, and I told him how I didn't want Johnny to remember as he probably wouldn't feel the same way. Pony looked at me and gave me a funny look. "So someone's got a crush on Johnnycakes huh?" he said, messing with me. "Pony! C'mon man, don't laugh, I'm kinda worried because Johnny's been a really nice friend and I don't wanna loose him" I replied, punching his arm jokingly. "Well, I'm gonna be honest with ya, I don't know what happened that day, but I've known johnny for a long time now and he has this look on his face when you guys are over at my house and he's talking to ya" Pony said, getting all serious "Trust me, I know him and I'm most certain that there's something going on with him about you too, so you'll decide where ya take it from there" He said, putting his hands up in the air and shrugging.

Now I was just confused. Did he really mean that? Could johnny really feel even the tiniest thing too? I thanked pony and after a while more of talking and a whole pack of cancer sticks - I was still nervous - I headed back over to my place. I started to really think about this, about how it made me feel. When I was with Johnny I felt like I could talk about anything and he would listen. Like I could be safe. I always watched my words when I was talking with anyone, but when talking with Johnny, I just knew he wouldn't judge me. He understood me. I just couldn't explain it. I changed back into my pajamas and watched some movies they were playing on the tv. Before I knew it, it was nighttime and I was fast asleep.

Hey y'all!! So i'm confused bc wattpad says the story has like 38 reads but I feel like nobody really read it so idk 🤷🏽‍♀️ anyway, if u did read it, I hope u liked it!! If u enjoyed it dw cause I like to do these things so i'll post more haha. Sorry nothing much really happens in this chapter, but I made it a couple days ago and I'm on my way to write a new one rn!!! ❤️

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