chapter 12 - ask around

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The morning after my failed date with johnny I didn't really want to do anything. I got out of bed and brushed my teeth and hair, because even if I wasnt going to go out, I at least hoped that johnny would come over and explain what the hell happened to him the day before. I had thought about going to the curtis house to see the guys, but my trust issues told me that they had known johnny for longer than they had known me so that meant they would shut me out for the moment to be with him. I wasn't even sure what Dal would do about it, at this point. Of course I couldn't speak to him about it in the moment, as seeing him at home was rare, and when he was home, it was in the rare occasion that the guys needed a house for whatever reason and the Curtis home wasn't an option.

I ate breakfast, a bowl of cereal; I wasn't in the mood to even do something as simple as cracking a few eggs onto the pan or cook some bacon.

I was in the middle of watching an episode of The Pink Panther like I had been doing all day when there was a knock on the door. "Johnny?" I thought in my head. I sure hoped it was him. I rushed over to the door and almost tripped on my own shoe that was in the middle of the living room before I answered the door. My hopes died down when I saw it was two-bit, although I was still happy to see him; I could use a good laugh, and that was his specialty. "Hey Laurie! 7pm and still in your pajamas? How's the hibernation treating ya?" he said, messing up my hair. I chuckled. "Hey two, come in. Well, I'm just not in the mood for anything right now" I replied. "Yeah, I haven't seen johnny all day either, what's with you two? He isn't hiding in here somewhere is he?" he said, poking his head through the doorframe and looking around before stepping in.

My stomach hurt from hearing his name. "No, he isn't..." I said, sitting back down on the couch and leaning forward, holding my face with both my hands. The whole gang already knew about me and johnny - at least that's what I figured, as we held hands walking out of the curtis house and none of them said anything. I just supposed Dally had ran his mouth about it the first day he found out we had started dating. Two must have noticed my voice tone after I spoke. "Is everything okay? You know with all the staying home all day and you and johnny not seeing each other either, we all know that you guys don't go a day without seeing each other" He asked, sitting down as well. "Yeah... So you say you haven't seen johnny all day either?" I asked him, sitting up. "No man, I guess it's normal as sometimes he does his own thing, but it was a bit weird 'cause he's been comin' round the curtis house and I've been seeing him basically every day, you know with the winter school break thing- Hey, can I grab a beer from your fridge?" he said, already getting up. "Yeah, sure" I answered.

I laid down on the couch and stared at the ceiling, kind of ignoring what two was doing at this point. My thoughts started coming at me. Where is johnny? I actually have seen him every day since we started dating and now not even any of the guys have seen him. Did he sleep in the lot? I sure hope he was safe there. What if he just decided he didn't feel the same anymore yesterday? I still love him though. I snapped out of my thoughts when two-bit grabbed my shoulder and shaked me. "What are you thinking about, so zoned out like that?" he asked me. "Oh, I'm sorry, it's just that there's something on my mind..." I said, turning to look at him. And then, I told him everything. I told him how I was so excited about our date, how I kept brushing off johnny's weird behavior throughout the day, how he got anxious and walked away, all my afterthoughts. I felt really vulnerable when talking about what I was thinking, but there was no turning back now anyway. Plus, Two didn't judge any of my weird thoughts and he could get real focused and smart when I was talking seriously with him.

"I didn't know that you guys were in a bad place. Well, I'm just gonna tell you to think about how johnny is and his way of thinking. You know that he can feel like he ain't enough or even think about killings himself. There's a lot of messed up thoughts going on inside that head, I'm telling ya. So maybe you just need to give him some time, maybe he's going through somethin' and doesn't wanna put you through it with him" he said, rubbing my back. I felt like crying, thinking about how maybe he wasn't going to get through it and I was gonna lose him, and also feeling for him and all of his anxious thoughts. I just couldn't cry in front of two-bit, even if I knew he wouldn't mind, so I composed myself. "Thanks two, you really helped me calm my nerves. I'm definitely searching for him tomorrow and I'll see what's up with him" I gave him a smile. "No worries. Sure, I'll catch ya around tomorrow kid" he said before disappearing out of the front door. I let myself fall back flat onto the couch, still trying to figure out what was wrong with Johnny.

Kiiiinda unnecessary chapter but something will happen in the next one please bear with me here. Apparently a few people love the story and are waiting for more and it makes me so mf happyyy so i'm just out here cookin up some chapters for you‼️‼️

Anyways, I just noticed mid writing this that winter break isn't even three weeks long but ignore that because I don't want them going to school rn 🙄 let's just leave it at wattpad logic.
Maybe they will if I decide to change it up a bit though, idk.

Omw to cook up maybe half of the next one right now cs there's inspiration😊

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