chapter 2 - stutters

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The next morning I woke up feeling a bit better about my situation; yeah, I had just lost my friends, but I could make friends with my brother's gang, right? I got up from bed in my shorts and tank top - even if it's winter, short pajamas are better - and went over to the bathroom to clean up and brush my teeth and hair. Then I opened my dresser to grab my clothes for today. I finally decided on some black skinny jeans paired with a black long-sleeve fitted top, my jean jacket and my converse. I looked in the mirror satisfied with my decision and then walked out the front door not having to say good morning to anyone; my folks were working as always, and Dal was nowhere to be seen. I just figured I'd see him somewhere along the way.

I wandered out into the street and headed towards the neighborhood park again, my go-to place now as I didn't have much else to do

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I wandered out into the street and headed towards the neighborhood park again, my go-to place now as I didn't have much else to do. I sat down on a bench and lit a cigarette, watching the kids play. "If only I was a little kid, everything would be so easy" I thought to myself. After a while I saw Dally coming over again, just like yesterday, he's always around here looking for some trouble. "Hey kid sister, figured you'd be here" he said, today actually having a cancer stick of his own. "Hey Dal, yeah, it's not like I have anything else to do right now" I said, getting reminded of my stupid friends. "Well now you do" he said "Ya wanna meet the gang?" he sat down. "Oh yeah, sure, I'll meet them" I replied calmly, although the thought of it did make me a bit nervous, meeting a bunch of guys who were all probably older than me. "Alright then, c'mon, I was just headin' over to the Curtis house anyway" he said, standing up and putting his hand out. I grabbed his hand and helped myself up, releasing it again and starting to follow him. I hoped they would like me, because right now I couldn't think of any other group that was worth hanging out with, and I was already bored on day one of being friendless.

We walked for 3 minutes and Dally started walking towards a house with a metal fence around it. The closer we got, the more we could hear the fuss going on inside it: boys screaming, laughing and strange thuds on the floor. "What is this boy getting me into, a madhouse?" I thought to myself. When we got to the front door, Dally didn't even bother to knock and just flung the door right open "Hey guys, I'm here and I bring some company!" he hollered. The two boys talking on the couch turned to look at me at the same time the other two playing cards did. There was also a guy staring at the TV playing mickey mouse and eating chocolate cake with beer. "Weird combination" I thought. That's when he got up and put a hand on Dally's shoulder, shaking him "Hey man, who's this? Did ya get yourself a broad?" he asked, looking at me. "Yeah Dal, introduce us to your girlfriend huh?" said the guy wearing a sleeveless jean jacket with no shirt underneath. My face turned a bit red. "No stupid, this is my kid sister, figured I'd introduce her to y'all" he said. The guys introduced themselves: the mickey mouse shirt was two-bit, sleeveless jacket was steve, a boy sitting on the couch also introduced himself, he was the youngest one, ponyboy. Then one of the guys playing cards got up, his name was Sodapop. Now I knew all of them except for one.

All of the guys had went back to doing their normal activities by now, so I turned to look at the dark-skinned boy with messy hair. Nobody was paying attention to us at this point, and ponyboy was nowhere to be seen, so I sat down on the couch with him. "Hey, what's your name?" I asked. "Uh, yeah hi, um my name's johnny, johnny cade" he said. I noticed he was flustered and it was a bit hard for him to say his name, which was a bit strange. Maybe he was shy, or something else was going on, but I found it really cute. "Nice name johnny, you can call me laurie" I smiled at him. Laurie's my nickname, because I hate my normal name, I don't know what my mom was thinking while naming me. "Alright laurie" he said, now a bit more relaxed. The rest of the evening was just two-bit asking me weird questions - I could tell he was shameless - and, at one point sodapop asked me if I knew how to play cards, which I do very well, so I also played some cards against him and steve. All evening me and Johnny had been throwing looks at each other, but nothing else much.

After a good 3 hours there, I wanted to go for a walk "Alright well nice getting to know ya all, I'm heading over to the lot if anyone wants to come" I said, already walking out the door, but I stopped when I heard a voice say "Wait, I'll come with". I turned around to see johnny getting up from his spot and walking over to me. "Hey johnny man, don't make out with her too much" two-bit yelled, laughing his ass off. "Oh shut your trap two" johnny told him off, and I just chuckled, not thinking much of it, I just figured it was a joke. We started walking over to the lot and I lit another cigarette, I admit I might have a bit of a problem with those. I'm not really picky or get grossed out easily, so I offered johnny a hit off of mine. He looked at me with an embarrassed expression, maybe he wasn't as carefree as me about those type of things "Oh, uh, sure" he said either way, and I handed it over. We didn't have time to make much conversation as the lot was really close to the curtis home, and when we got there we both sat down under a big tree.

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Hey guys, so I just wanted to say that I don't really like the first couple chapters after rereading, but TRUST it gets better and it will get more when I keep updating 😭😭

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