chapter 3 - anything and everything

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As soon as we sat down I immediately laid down on the grass, still smoking my cigarette and occasionally passing it to johnny. We hadn't said anything yet, but it really didn't feel uncomfortable or like an awkward silence with him, something I couldn't explain. Laying down I took the time to look at him and examine his features. He had this tan skin and these big brown eyes, what I would call a puppy type of look. His hair was greased sideways, but its length made it fall in front of his eyes. He was actually really cute, I noticed. I finally sat up and put my back against the tree, now having him in front of me. I decided to speak up, as from his actions in the evening I assumed he wasn't really the type to start a conversation.

"So, johnny, how'd you get that scar on your cheek? That looks like it hurt" I asked. It was the first thing that came to my mind, as I noticed he had scar on his cheek, which weirdly also really suited his face. He looked away and to the ground with a weird look on his face again "Oh, y'know, just those damn socs, they put up a fight with me a few months ago. I'm sure you'd understand, cause you're a greaser too, right?" he answered. "Yeah... I really hate those damn socs so much, thinking they can do whatever they want whenever they want" I said, feeling my anger towards socs growing even more. I really hated them, they really think having daddy's money gives them the privilege to throw us around however they like. I gave him a sympathetic smile, I understood his pain, not being able to do anything about it.

For the next many hours, we laid down on the grass, smoking and talking about anything and everything. I noticed that when I started the conversation and we got a bit more comfortable, it really started to flow and we could talk about whatever came to our minds. By the end of the night, we had already talked about so many things that I felt like I had known him for years. and he seemed so comfortable talking to me, it made that feeling even bigger. I didn't really understand this, as he really looked the type to keep his trap shut all time, but we had a weird connection, I could relate to so many things he told me. After all those hours we finally stood up and walked out of the lot, walking really close and laughing about stupid stuff I started saying.

When we got to my house right next to the curtis home, I went over to the side of the house and opened my bedroom window. I didn't want to wake up my already sleeping parents, they got home from work real late and then just went straight to sleep. "Well, it was nice getting to know you johnny, I'll see you around right?" I said turning to look at him, with a goofy smile and my hands in my jeans' pockets, with my thumbs sticking out of them. "Definitely" he said, giving me a soft side smile, which I found really cute. "Alright, goodnight johnny" I said climbing into my window and landing on my bedroom floor. "Goodnight laurie" I heard him say, and I watched as he walked away with his hands in his jean jacket's pockets. I put on my pajamas and started thinking about the day, with a really stupid smile on my face; especially when thinking about being in the lot with johnny. "It's not a good time for me to develop a crush on someone right now, plus I just met the boy" I though to myself. Who knows? Thoughts ran through my mind until I finally drifted off to sleep.

Hey y'all, I know nobody's really reading this but as I said I like doing it so I'll still write, besides I'm pulling an all nighter so why not. Anyways, I teared up halfway of writing this, my playlist just gets me so emotional 😭 it being so lovey-dovey and all this writing about johnny, it doesn't help. Anyway, if you're reading this, thank you sm and I hope you love it ❤️

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