chapter 11 - weird

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Heyy everyone! So, I don't know if anyone is keeping up with this anymore seeing as it took me so damn long to update, but I'm determined to finish it anyway since its already so far along and trying to keep consistent with updates from now on. I had been totally uninspired these last few months, and lots of things have been happening lately, but I have some new ideas so hopefully I can finish this? ❤️

Today was my two-month anniversary with johnny. I was so excited, and johnny told me he had this whole thing planned for us for the day. I got out of bed with a jump and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower, shave, brush my teeth, wash and do my hair, and do my makeup extra clean and carefully for the occasion. I looked in the mirror, satisfied with my work as I unconsciously smiled thinking about my day with johnny. I thought about the past time I had spent with him while looking through all my dresser, trying to find something that would make johnny think: "Wow, she looks extra pretty today". Finally, I found a dress that I had saved for these types of things and put it on, staring at myself in the full body mirror for a good ten minutes, deciding whether I liked the way it hugged my body or not. Finally, I just let it go and decided it looked fine. "Damn, I look like a soc" I thought.

I put on my white converse so that the socy-ness would tone down a bit and sprayed on what felt like a litre of my favorite vanilla perfume

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I put on my white converse so that the socy-ness would tone down a bit and sprayed on what felt like a litre of my favorite vanilla perfume. Finally, I ran to the kitchen to look for my gift to johnny. I obviously didn't have much, or basically any money normally, so I decided the best thing to do was give him something made with love and romantic and to just hope he liked it. I had spent the past days making a cute little red box with hearts on it to put my gift in. The night before I had made some fresh cookies with heart-shaped holes where I had put strawberry jam, making them really cute and also good-tasting; the perfect gift if you have no money to spend, I thought!

After a while of daydreaming and touching up my makeup, trying to get it to look perfect, I heard a knock on my window. I rushed over and pulled the window up, revealing the back of johnny's head. When he heard the window had opened, he turned to face it. "Hey love! How are ya?" he said, climbing into my room. He was holding a bouquet of pink chrysanthemums on his left hand. As soon as he was in the room, he looked me up and down. "Woah, you look really beautiful" he said.

I had a lot of things to process so I didn't reply to his compliment. "Johnny! You called me love? Those are my favorite flowers! And did you change up your cologne? I can smell it from across the room!" I noticed that his face had turned a bright red. "Well.. uh, ya know, it's our anniversary today so I wanted to make it a bit more special" he said with his voice turning almost to a whisper by the end of the sentence , looking to the ground. "Plus, two-bit knew a guy who could get me the flowers, so I picked your favorite". "Aww, johnny! Don't be embarrassed, I love it! You're the best!" I immediately went over to hug him, taking in a deep breath of his new cologne. "And by the way, you also look really handsome, as always" I said. "Well, let's get going, we have some things to do" he replied with a side grin, pulling away.

The clock marked 12:05pm when we were walking up the stairs of one the movie room in the theater. We got to our seats: numbers 6 and 7 of the 11th row, and sat down to see this new movie I had been wanting to see; everyone was talking about it these days, saying it was so romantic - apparently, it was about a man who tried to get with a woman he loved, at first she thought badly about him, but he turned out to be the perfect boyfriend for her. Johnny didn't really like romance movies, but he said he knew I loved them so he would watch it with me. As soon as we sat down, I saw that the arm recliner was separating us. Johnny must have noticed it too, as he folded it up so there was nothing between us."Hey, check this out, this thing's trying to get in the middle of me hugging my girl" he whispered with a grin. "Aww" I whispered back. He got closer to me and put his arm around me, signaling for me to put my head on his chest while his hand reached over for mine. I closed my eyes and laid there for a moment until the movie started.

We weren't even 10 minutes into the movie when johnny released my hand. "That's weird" I thought to myself. I slightly moved my head up which allowed me to see his face more clearly, and I could see his hand was now in front of his face as he bit his nails, what you would think a person would do when they were nervous. However, in the moment I didn't give it any thought and just went back to watching the movie. When the movie ended, johnny grabbed my hand and said that he had another surprise for me. I smiled and let him lead the way, although he didn't speak much while we were walking this time like he did when we walked to the movies. Of course, I brushed that off as well; knowing johnny is knowing that he gets like that sometimes.

My surprise was when we got to the front door of my house and johnny opened it. When I looked at the keys though, I saw Dally's keychain, so I figured he had helped him out with this as well. When we walked in, everything seemed normal until we got to the kitchen. There, on the table, I saw a lunch date set up with candles and some more of my favorite flowers inside a vase. I turned to look at him and he looked a bit distraught until I spoke. "Johnny, this is beautiful! How did you make this meal?" I said, making him snap back to reality although he tried to hide it. "Well, y'know none of the guys are real good cooks, but I got the least lousy ones to help me set this up for you and it actually came out pretty good" he answered. I laughed. "Well, I'll have to see that for myself" I said.

Lunch was going mostly good; me and johnny were talking and laughing, but as soon as I got to talk more, he seemed more and more lost in his own thoughts. I was talking about a silly topic when I interrupted myself. "Johnny, are you okay? You've been weird since the movie". I asked, a worried tone in my voice. He was quiet for a moment. "I'm sorry, it's just that- I just can't do this right now". He said, burying his hands in his hair. "What do you mean?" I asked, my voice getting quieter. "Look, I'm sorry, it's not you, I love you a lot, but I need some time to think right now, we should do this another day instead. I'm just- I'm really sorry" he said, his voice shaky. Then, he got up and just left. "What? Johnny! What's happening?" I asked, getting up from my seat but staying in the same spot. He was already out of the door by that point. I sat back down and looked at the unfinished meal now sitting on my kitchen table. Had I done something wrong? I didn't know, but there was something going on with that boy, and I was going to find out.

IT WONT STAY LIKE THIS I PROMISE, this story just needs a bit of tension🤗 so yeah if u haven't read the comment I put at the start please do, thank uuu!❤️

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