chapter 15 - the drive-in

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The next morning, johnny woke up before me and I suddenly woke up in my bed to the smell of cake being baked. I figured johnny had carried me to my room. Even if he wasn't the strongest guy, I was still lighter than him, so I figured he managed to. I brushed my hair and teeth before going out of my room though, otherwise johnny would see my morning birds nest and smell my morning breath - which I did not want him to just yet... I walked into the kitchen rubbing my eyelids. "Good morning johnny, are you making chocolate cake?" I smiled and said as soon as I saw him. "Good morning sleeping beauty! Yeah, well I saw you had some cake mix in your pantry so it wasn't hard to make and I figured I would start breakfast for both of us" he answered me, with his usual side smile. I went up to him and grabbed his face, planting some kisses on his cheeks and lips. "Thanks johnny, I love you" I said, hugging him. "I love you too" he replied, stroking my hair.

I took the cake out of the oven as it had just gone off and then we had breakfast in the kitchen while I fought to stay awake, as it was so hard for me to get up in the mornings. The sleepiness wore off after a while and we started getting ready to go out. I put on a cute skirt and a long sleeve top with a white jean jacket, because I felt like dressing up a bit more and wearing a skirt today. Johnny started greasing his hair while I sat on my vanity doing my usual makeup. As I was putting my mascara on, I saw from the corner of my eye in the vanity mirror that johnny was trying to sneak up on me. I acted as if I didn't notice until he jumped on me and tried scaring me and hugging me from behind. I turned around quickly before he got on me and he ended up giving me a normal hug. "Aww, man!" he laughed. "Got ya!" I said, throwing myself down on the floor and taking him down with me. At this point, we were both dying laughing. Suddenly, I got an idea.

"Johnny, listen I just got an idea for a really cute picture!" I said, sitting up on the floor. "Yeah, what is it?" Johnny asked, still lying down beside me. "I should get a red lipstick and then put it on so that I can kiss you and then all of the kiss marks would be around your face. Ohh, that would look so cute! Would you let me? Pleaseeee!" I said, lightly shaking him as a joke. "Alright, alright, stop shaking me, I'll do it!" Johnny laughed. "Yay! Okay, sit on the bed" I ordered, walking over to my desk to get out my camera and then to my vanity to get the lipstick with the most pigment I could find and a tiny mirror. Then, I walked over to johnny. "Okay, look, sit over there" I said, showing him to the part of the bed closest to the wall so I could have more room. Then, I sat on top of him on my knees, with one leg on either side of his. I opened the little mirror and started applying the lipstick. It was quiet for a moment, and I could see johnny from the corner of my eye staring at my eyes, looking at me as I applied the lipstick.

His staring was starting to give me the type of butterflies that almost make you feel sick, so I tried to clear up the tension by speaking. "Okay, hold still" I laughed, stating to kiss his forehead. Johnny started snickering, and I hadn't even gotten to his cheek before I cracked up, covering my face with one hand. After a little while, I started kissing all over his face again, covering it with the red stains. By the time I was done, his face was all covered with them. "Aww, johnny, you look so cute like that! It's just how I wanted it for the picture" I said, playing with his hair. "Let me see!" he got up from the bed and went to look at himself on my mirror. He examined his face. "Golly" was the only think he got out before I went over to him with my camera. "Johnny, light up a cigarette, it's gonna look good in the picture, plus I want one" I said, handing him one of mine. He lit it up with his lighter and took a puff. Laying o down on the bed. "Okay, hold still again" I giggled. I held my hand up to his hair and snapped a picture, getting only his side profile.

(let's pretend it was a polaroid and they didn't have to take it someplace to get it discovered at that time alright)

(let's pretend it was a polaroid and they didn't have to take it someplace to get it discovered at that time alright)

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