chapter 4 - drunk

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For the next few days I couldn't help but to think about that night - the spark that me and johnny had with our night-long conversation. It felt really good to find out you have so much in common with a person - especially being someone with my experience with relationships. I had dated curly shepard around a year ago, let's just say he wasn't a very good boyfriend. He was the kind of guy who thought girls were just there for him to mess around with, and even in a relationship he wouldn't really commit to anything like he said he would. "Johnny doesn't look the type to be like that" I thought. I got up from my bed and started rummaging through my dresser to see what I was going to wear. Finally I went with a black shirt and some dark-washed matching grey skirt and jean jacket, I felt like putting on a skirt today anyway.

I went out the door and walked over to the lot, "It's not like I know the curtis brothers that much yet to always be goofing around at their house" I thought

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I went out the door and walked over to the lot, "It's not like I know the curtis brothers that much yet to always be goofing around at their house" I thought. I sat down on the curb and just started to think about stuff that came to my mind, while I smoked a couple of cancer sticks. After some time, I saw Dal again, as usual he's always sticking around here. We talked for a bit and then he told me about this party going on at Buck's that night. We had known Buck for a real long time and he was really good with us, so after he took off, I figured I'd go; I could use some fun. For the rest of the day, I just laid around being lazy and waiting for the party, at least I had something to look forward to today. When I finally got home, I started looking for outfits to wear to the party. I found a grey dress and paired it with a leather jacket and my usual converse. I waited for Dally to come through sitting in the front porch, and when I saw him we took off together.

 I waited for Dally to come through sitting in the front porch, and when I saw him we took off together

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As soon as we got to the party, I started saying hello to the people I knew there. Soon enough, I had already drank some whiskey mixes and got in the happy-drunk mood. I was playing a shot drinking challenge against Buck when I spotted johnny sitting on a couch with a red cup in his hand, talking and laughing with Dally. I told Buck I'd be right back and walked over there as normally as I could, but the alcohol wasn't really helping. I plopped down next to johnny in the couch and he turned over to look at me. "Oh my gosh hey johnny! What are you doing here?" I said in a really drunken voice. "Oh hey Laurie, well Dal invited me to come over here since Buck thinks as soon as you turn 17 it's fine, so I just figured I'd come" he said, smiling at me. With the alcohol taking over and blurring my common sense, I got up and took his hand, pulling him off the couch and stupidly dancing to the rock music that was playing with my hands on his shoulders. He turned his head over to Dally, who was now dying of laughter "Woah, this girl is real drunk ain't she" he said, laughing about the situation. "Yeah man I don't know what's gotten into her" Dal said still laughing "Would ya take her upstairs to the first room on the left for me so that she can calm down? If not she's gonna drink until she falls into a coma" Dally asked once again. "Yeah sure I'll take her" Johnny said, putting his arm around my shoulders and positioning mine over his, walking me over to the stairs.

We got to the room and johnny placed me down on the bed "You should get some rest ya know, you're in for a bad headache tomorrow morning" he told me, chuckling. I completely ignored what he said, and looked up at him with the alcohol still clouding my judgement "You know johnny, you're really cute, I would date you if we hadn't only known each other for like a week" I said. I immediately realized I had just embarrassed myself, but my drunken self couldn't care less about that. His face turned a bright red and he sat down on the feet of the bed "Uhh, you probably don't mean that, you're really drunk" he answered, touching the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Oh but I do, I love your hair, and your eyes, and your face..." I said, elongating the end of each word and not having a care in the world about telling him those stuff. He just walked over to the door frame, his face even redder now, and turned to look back at me again "I love your face too Laurie, but I'm telling because I know you'll forget about it tomorrow" . He smiled lightly and walked away as I drifted off to sleep in the bed, not thinking too much about anything.

So this was yet another chapter, I had no idea how to continue the last one because with this whole thing I'm just going with the flow so I figured there'd be some drunk nonsense to throw in some flavor and confessions into all this haha ❤️ these are so fun to write

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