chapter 14 - the scare

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After me and johnny's talk the day before, I felt like our relationship had changed. Like we were even more close. That night, he slept at my house again and we spent all day together, just the two of us; it felt better than being with the gang right after making up. The day after, johnny left not long after breakfast, saying he needed to help Dally with something over at Buck's, so I kissed him goodbye and I decided I would go out, convinced that I would find something to do or maybe see one of the guys around. I chose my outfit of the day - all black with leather on denim - and did my makeup, just as normal this time.

I went on a quick walk to the park and sat down on a bench to smoke some cigarettes first, and the morning was unusually peaceful

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I went on a quick walk to the park and sat down on a bench to smoke some cigarettes first, and the morning was unusually peaceful. The birds were chirping and there was a nice ray of sun pointing directly at me for a while, giving me the sensation that it was not the middle of December. That was, of course, until I was about to take out a second stick from the pack and suddenly caught a hit to the back of my head. "Hello, Miss Winston!" I heard from behind. "Oww! Sodapop you asshole!" I half-yelled, tilting my head fully back instead of turning it to see an upside-down, smiling Soda behind the bench. He sat down next to me and put an arm around my shoulders. "How ya doing? I haven't seen ya in two days! What have you been up to?" He asked, with a grin. "Well, the other day I got into a fight with Johnny, that's why you didn't see him either, then yesterday I went to find him, and we made up, so we just spent the day together, ya know?" I said, taking a puff.

"Ohhhh nooo, trouble in lovebird paradise?" He asked, running a hand through his hair and clutching his chest with the other, overdramatizing. "Oh shut up!" I said, nudging him in the arm. "Alright, alright. Well, I was just going on a little walk, but now I'm heading back home ñ. You wanna come with? All the guys are probably there" he asked. "Sure, why not? Let's go" I replied, getting up. We walked over to the Curtis house with Soda making me laugh the whole time, until we got closer and heard a commotion. As soon as we turned the corner, we saw a Mustang and a bunch of socs pinning what looked like ponyboy to the floor. Immediately, we started screaming at them while running, but thankfully, the guys must have also heard something and we saw all of them chasing running out of the house just as we got there too. As soon as the socs saw us, they all started piling up into their car. We all started attacking the car, hitting it with tree branches and trying to drag the guys out of it. I managed to grab a pretty big rock and smash it through their back window, leaving a big hole on it as it went into the car. "Fucking greasers!" one of them yelled while driving away as Soda tried to throw a giant branch at them.

We all went running back to ponyboy and Darry and Soda kneeled down next to him. I figured I would let them speak to their own brother and I wookiee over to johnny. All of the color had fallen out of his face and the looked like he had seen a ghost. "Johnny! All good?" I asked him, coming up to him and grabbing his hand. "Hey. Oh, yeah, I'm- I'm sorry" he said, shaking out his face and running a hand through y it before pulling me into a quick hug. I gave him a compassionate smile. I wanted him to know that it was okay without babying him and talking about how he gets with the socs; he already knows that, no need to remind him. He gave me a side smile back and we sat down on the hood of a car in the front yard of the Curtis home.

We talked for a while, leaving the Curtis brothers alone while they argued about what had happened until we saw Darry go back inside with the phrase "Next time I want my kid brother to tell me what to do with my other kid brother, I'll ask - kid brother". I pulled a face over at johnny and he raised his eyebrows and shrugged. "Let's go". I grabbed Johnny's hand and we went over to the guys. "You alright Pony?" I smiled compassionately again, joining into the circle. I knew Pony probably didn't want to talk about it with all the guys here either. "Yeah" he replied, giving me a slight smile. "What were you doing walking around alone anyway?" Steve asked, in a not-very-nice tone, as I would say. "None of your business" Pony replied, looking to the side so he could roll his eyes. "It is my business, look at my nose" He replied, kind of getting all up in pony's face". "It's huge..." pony brought his tone down. I accidentally let out a snicker, and pily smiled at me, almost laughing too.  "Damn, these two really don't like eachother" I thought.

"Anyway, I'm thinking of going down to the drive-in tomorrow night to hunt some action, if ya know what I mean. Anyone wanna come?" Dally chimed into the conversation. Johnny spoke up for the first time that day. "Yeah, we'll go, right pony?" he asked, putting a hand on his shoulder. Pony looked over at Darry - who was now sitting on the hood of another beat-up car in the yard - with pleading eyes. "Sure, since it's not a school night" Darry shrugged. "I was planning on getting drunk tomorrow night, but if i'm not blacked out by then, maybe I'll pass by there" two-bit added. "You coming, cupcake?" Dally asked, turning to me and putting me on a headlock. "Stop it, prick! Yeah, I'll go!" I said, unsuccessfully trying to get out of his grasp. "Alright then, I'll meet you guys over at the Pickett and Sutton streetlight." He said, closing the front gate and walking away.

After that, me and johnny stayed at the curtis house with two and pony. We stayed out in the porch for a while before leaving as we smoked a bit before walking over to the lot right before sunset to watch it from there. We stayed in the lot stargazing until 1am, talking about our own things, and lost track of time. When we realized, we quickly walked back over to my house. Even in the two-minute walk from the lot to my house, I was worrying about socs jumping us. After getting to my house, we spent the rest of the night watching The Bugs Bunny Show until johnny fell asleep on the couch, cuddling me. I stayed awake for a little while longer though, thinking about the next day. Dally would probably get us into trouble. He always did. We just had to wait and see for tomorrow. Finally, I fell asleep around four, snuggling my head onto Johnny's chest.
I just saw stand by me and then beautiful boy right after so i'm FUCKIN SENSITIVE RN LIKE that's too much crying for a night😭😭 and beautiful boy just started playing in my airpods rn when I hit shuffle what the fuck😭

Anyways I just wanted to say that I'm going off by memory here because I've literally not watched the outsiders in months (crazy btw) so sorry if there's something missing.

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