Chapter 5: Turtle Hunt

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Destiny wanders into the living room one afternoon, instantly stopping dead in her tracks when she sees Donatello and April standing near each other. April holds a music box in her hands, which is playing a happy little tune, and her expression is less than comfortable.

"Wow, that is just super neat," she says. "Thanks so much, Donnie!" She grins awkwardly and shuts the box, putting it to the side. Donatello just smiles at her. "Well, gotta go! Got some, uh, training to do!" She chuckles weirdly. "Thanks again, Donnie!"

She dashes from the room, brushing past Destiny on the way. The sound of the door slamming shut makes Donatello's shoulders droop. Michelangelo peeks out from the couch and drapes himself over the back as Destiny purses her lips.

"I can't even imagine how you're feeling right now," the orange-masked turtle says.

"Devastated," Donatello mumbles.

"Aw, man! I was totally gonna say 'devastated'! I should've just went for it." He hops over the couch and grabs his brother's shoulders. "I've gotta learn to trust my instincts!" He squeaks as the purple-masked turtle grips his face. "I mean...that's rough, bro."

Donatello releases his face rather forcefully, making him tip off the couch and hit the ground. Donatello sighs, looking at his feet.

"Smooth move, genius," Raphael says from the living room entrance. The two turtles look over at him, where he's leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed. "It's never gonna happen, Donnie. We're mutants. She's a girl." He shoves off the wall and walks further into the room, uncrossing his arms as he goes. "You're a giant talking turtle. The sooner you get used to it, the better."

"When you say that, are you nixing Destiny from the equation?" Donatello asks, giving Destiny a pointed look. "She dated Leo, didn't she?"

She frowns slightly, her cheeks flushing with colour as she sits down on the coffee table in front of the fireplace. "Leo didn't get me weird gifts."

"Mikey said it was perfect!"

"And you're listening to him because...why?"

He opens his mouth to protest but quickly shuts it again. Raphael chuckles, earning a short glare from the purple-masked turtle.

"Okay," Donatello sighs, his brown eyes focusing down at the wolf mutant. "What would you suggest?"

Destiny hums to herself, standing up and wandering over to the music box. She picks it up, opening it and examining the inside. "Well, first off, I think a music box with your face on it is more of a relationship sort of gift," she says.

Donatello huffs and crosses his arms over his plastron. "So, if Leo got you a music box..."

Her nose crinkles. "Shell no. I don't like music boxes." He groans as she sets the gift down. "But Leo and I aren't in a relationship, so that doesn't matter. This is about you and April." She steps in front of him and looks him over, her facial expression dead serious. "Do you know what sort of things April enjoys?"

"Um...she's...uh...well, she likes..." He purses his lips and shakes his head. "Okay, no, I don't know what she likes."

She nudges his shoulder with her fist and forces a smile. "That's where you start. Talk to her, find out about her interests, and then work up to giving her gifts. Having a crush is fine, but you're bordering on...creepy."

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