Chapter 47: Mikey the Stealth Ship Pilot

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Leonardo keeps observing the Kraangitized humans through his telescope. "It looks like the Kraang have human hybrids on those three islands," he comments, switching his scope to each of them as he speaks.

"Those islands are huge, man," Raphael groans. "I mean, how are we gonna turn all those mutants back into people?"

"You forget, Raph. We just need to find a massive amount of mutagen and convert it into retro-mutagen with this," Donatello reminds him, showing off the vial of Michelangelo's orange super-mutagen.

"Oh, is that all? A massive amount of mutagen? Let me just milk a few thousand Kraang worms!" Raphael's eyes blaze as he flicks Donatello's forehead.

"I bet that thing has a ton of mutagen inside of it!" Michelangelo calls, pointing into the sky at a looming technodrome.

"A technodrome? Mikey—" Leonardo starts.

"Don't say it. I know. I'm a genius," the other interrupts.

"I was gonna say you're crazy!"

"Oh, sorry!"

"Steal a technodrome?!" Leonardo repeats.

"And how would we even get there? The blimp's a wreck," Raphael points out.

"Or we could borrow one of those stealth ships parked over there," Donatello mentions, pointing over his shoulder at a bunch of said ships. "Just saying."

"This is so crazy, I'm starting to like this plan," Raphael mumbles.

"Me too," Destiny whispers. Her tail starts to wag.

"All right, guys. Stay frosty, and keep quiet, and all those other Leo-isms Leo likes to say," Michelangelo says.

Leonardo sighs heavily as both Donatello and Raphael laugh. The blue-masked turtle looks at Destiny to find that she's got one hand clapped rather tightly over her mouth, her tail wagging rapidly.

"Aw, you too?" he whines. She nods, her shoulders quivering as she squeezes her eyes shut. It's obvious that she's smiling behind her hand. He huffs. "Let's just get going..."

He races to the edge of the island and jumps. Instead of plummeting off the edge, he flies upwards to the island that they're aiming for. Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo follow without question while Destiny hesitates a bit. She eyes the drop, then the turtles, and sucks in a heavy breath before jumping.

"Okay team, when I give the signal—" Leonardo says as she touches down next to them.

"It'll be this!" Michelangelo blurts. He folds his arms into chicken wings and bounces. "Caw caw! Caw caw!" He grins. "And then we sneak inside the ship."

The others stare at him, unable to find proper words. A familiar, purple-haired, flying robot appears behind them and Michelangelo's smile fades instantly as he turns around.

"That sounds like a great idea!" a male voice sounds from "Irma's" mouth.

"Not this guy again," Donatello groans.

"I still don't understand how Irma became a Kraang," Destiny says to Raphael.

The red-masked turtle smirks a little. "You really missed a lot, huh?"

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