Chapter 8: Feeling Everything, Understanding Nothing

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"Come on, Leo, give me your best!" Raphael challenges as his fighter advances on the TV screen.

"You'll gain no ground," Leonardo retorts, moving his own player closer and clicking the buttons on his controller rapidly.

Destiny leans over the back of the couch, her tail wagging as she watches from between the two turtles. Diaval sits next to the window, staring out at the trees with a blank expression back on his face. His hair has been somewhat cleaned up, meaning that it's been combed to cover any thin patches and he's got his ponytail—however tiny it is—back.

"Want hair back," he mutters.

Destiny glances over at him, a sympathetic smile on her face. "It'll grow back, Di. You were probably in need of a haircut anyways."


Michelangelo bursts into the living room, arms held above his head as if celebrating something. "Oh, man, Bigfoot is amazeballs with the forest stealth stuff!" he praises.

Bigfoot scampers in after the orange-masked turtle, shoulders hunched. She draws her hands to her furry chest, her pointer finger just grazing her chin. "Bigfoot...scared!" she exclaims, trembling like a leaf.

"Aw!" Leonardo groans as his fighter goes down with a droning beep. Raphael laughs in triumph, shaking his butt in his older brother's face.

"Finger bad!" Bigfoot cries as she scrambles to the window and shuts the curtains.

Diaval lurches away from her and claps his hands over his head. His chair promptly tips over and he goes crashing to the ground. Donatello walks in, blinking a few times as he takes in the multiple events going on all at once.

"Right, fingers are bad," Raphael says, completely ignoring everything going on behind him.

He grabs Leonardo's fingers teasingly, making the blue-masked turtle yank them away and pout. Destiny scrambles over to Diaval and helps him up as he rubs the aching spot on his head. Raphael twists his body so that he can look over the back of the couch, a grin spreading across his face when he sees Donatello.

"Hey Donnie, want to play the winner?" he asks, shaking his controller.

Bigfoot makes another whimpering noise and peeks out the window from between the curtains. Not a single mutant pays attention to the ape-woman's distress.


April walks into the kitchen that night. Bigfoot is already there, lumbering to and fro between the stove and the cabinets.

"Evening, Bigfoot. What are you making?" April asks, wandering over to the stove and peering at the large soup pot.

"Food!" Bigfoot announces, her voice ringing with excitement.

April reaches over and lifts the lid of the pot. The stench of burning fur, rotting meat, and something she'd rather not classify hit her in a cloud, all coming from a boiling yellow-orange slop ridden with chunks of disturbing furry meat. April lets out a yelp of surprise, slamming the lid down.

"Donnie!" Bigfoot continues gleefully as she walks to the fridge.

"Um, you realize that meat has fur?" April asks, forcing a smile.

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