Chapter 53: Impulsive and Overemotional

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Crognard dashes around in an attempt to avoid blasts of concentrated magic. Wizardess hovers far above him, her eyes blank as she keeps firing away at her ally.

"By the power of Lobnar, what witchery bewitches you, Wizardess?" Crognard asks. Graah attacks him from behind and pins his arms down. "Not you too, friend Graah!" the Barbarian cries. Spooch appears, biting his leg. "Even faithful Spooch."

"Spooch!" the fluffy creature growls, chomping wildly.

"Crognard says enough!" Crognard bellows, breaking from Graah's hold.

He grabs Spooch and attempts to use him as a weapon, but a green-skinned, eyeless wizard appears before he can do a thing.

"Your friends have no choice, Crognard, since I, Melphador, took control of their minds," the wizard cackles. "They must obey me, just as you will." He laughs as ghostly blue hands crawl from his eyes and attempt to enter Crognard's eyes, but the wizard instantly starts to struggle. "Your mind. Too small. Unable to take control."

He yelps as Spooch smacks him to the ground. Graah and Wizardess regain control of themselves, glaring down at their enemy.

"Get him, Graah," Wizardess orders.

Spooch joins in with his teammates as they start beating the wizard up relentlessly, earning screams of pain.

Crognard turns to the screen. "Remember, kids, friendship beats evil mind control every time." Spooch flits over to him. "Isn't that right, Spooch?"

"Spooch loves Crognard. Spooch!"

Crognard laughs heartily as Spooch licks his face.

"Hey guys, ever notice how the cartoons we watch are kind of just like our missions?" Michelangelo comments.

Leonardo looks up from his comic book, eye-ridge arched in disbelief. "Seriously? You're reading way too much into a cartoon show, Mikey," he says, delving back into his reading material.

"What next? Our lives are actually stories that people read?" Destiny asks as she flips a page in Hamlet. A small sigh escapes her lips as she shakes her head. "Oh Polonius, thy end...'twas tragic and woeful."

"Speaking of missions, I know what our next one should be," Raphael grunts as he punches his punching dummy, where a picture of a certain enemy is pinned. "Shredder." He growls and socks the bag again, teeth gritted. "Why don't we take him down...once. And. For. All?!"

He kicks the dummy hard enough to send it flying. It lands with a hard thud behind Leonardo. Diaval walks in from the kitchen with a mug of tea in hand, but upon noticing the fallen punching bag, he sets his mug down and shuffles off to retrieve it. A cool smirk flickers across Leonardo's face as he turns to the next page in his comic as Raphael continues to seethe.

"Because of that impulsive, overemotional state right there," he retorts.

"Who are you calling impulsive and overEMOTIONAL?!" Raphael screams in his brother's ear, his voice fluctuating and changing tones erratically. Leonardo winces.

Destiny flattens her ears against her hair as she frowns. "Excuse me? Trying to read here!"

"Honestly, I'd go more with hotheaded," Michelangelo comments before turning back to the TV.

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