Chapter 54: Ready, Set, Replay

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Back in the lair, Pigeon Pete plays Space Heroes pinball while Leatherhead watches. The pigeon giggles every now and then, the only consistent noise in the otherwise silent lair. Master Splinter brings Rockwell and Slash soup, placing the steaming bowls before them while the turtles, Destiny, and Diaval watch from nearby.

"Your escape was very fortuitous," Splinter comments. "Shredder is not one easily eluded."

"Ah, we're just glad you two are okay," Raphael says.

"Are you sure? 'Cause something seems off about you two," Michelangelo comments as he hangs upside down from their tire swing.

Destiny scrutinizes the two mutants, ears twitching, and Diaval can't take his eyes off them either. Slash and Rockwell keep wincing and holding their heads, the occasional groan passing their lips. Destiny's claws unsheathe and her stomach twists into a tight knot as she takes a careful step closer to Diaval.

"Shredder didn't do anything?" she asks slowly, raising her voice enough to bring attention to herself.

"They...did do something to us," Rockwell says, his tone the same as hers. His bloodshot eyes widen. "Yes, it's all coming back now. We were being experimented upon by Shredder."

Destiny tenses even further and a shudder rolls through Diaval's body. Leonardo glances at the two of them, forehead wrinkled, but he doesn't say a word.

"Experimented on?" Donatello asks.

"He had these...strange little worm creatures, and then...and then..." Slash claps his hands over his head and shuts his eyes as a low moan cuts off his words.

"Dude, don't leave us hanging!" Michelangelo exclaims.

"Mind control," Destiny whispers, her voice quiet and fearful. "Shredder is changing his tactics."

Diaval's eyebrows knit together. "Took him a while to get it working before. Could...could be a test run."

"Did he do test runs with you?"

"Mhm..." He nods. His gaze narrows and his fingertips tingle as he focuses in on them. "'M gonna keep an eye on 'em."

Slash grunts. He blinks hard, taking a deep breath as he places his soup down. Splinter frowns and places his hands behind his back.

"Let me get you some water," he offers.

He turns away. Diaval stiffens and a low squeak leaves him just before Slash's eyes open, showing them to be pure white. Destiny's eyes widen and she lets out a bark of warning. Splinter turns around in response to Destiny's noise of alarm, but Slash roars and attacks first. His mace slams into Splinter and sends him flying with a cry of pain.

"Splinter!" Raphael shouts.

Destiny cusses under her breath and stomps her foot. "I knew it! Always trust the wolf instincts! Always!"

Slash turns and roars, his eyes still blank and white. Master Splinter groans weakly as he tries to get up. The spiked turtle moves forwards, readying his mace yet again, but Leonardo and Raphael act first.

"This can't be happening!" Leatherhead rumbles.

"How could you, Slash?" Raphael demands, straining as he pushes his sais against his friend's weapon.

"Splinter...must be...destroyed!" Slash shouts, his tone robotic.

"You'll never hurt Sensei again!" Leonardo hisses.

The two brothers lunge, acting together to push the turtle back. Destiny and Diaval race to Splinter's side while Slash is distracted. Destiny touches Splinter's shoulder lightly as she kneels next to him.

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