Chapter 13: In Dreams

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Donatello runs, his heart racing and his breaths coming out in panicked puffs. He rounds a corner, skidding to a stop as he tries to catch his breath. Only then does he realize that he's back in New York, the streets barren but not Kraang infested like they were the last time he was in the city.

" did I get here?" he asks.

There's a rush of something moving behind him and he jumps, spinning around. The streets near the Dragon Gate remain still and empty. A wind blows, sending a plastic bag twisting and turning through the air. A low snarling can just be heard but Donatello can't figure out the source.

"Something's out there, but what?" Donatello asks himself.

He looks behind him as the snarling returns. A red-eyed thing lets out a roar, its giant body masked by the shadows. Donatello screams and runs away again, dashing into an alleyway, scrambling up the walls of the nearest building, and pulling himself onto the rooftops. He stops, leaning against a service entrance door as he tries to catch his breath.

The shadow of long claws appear next to his head. When he notices them, he yelps and barrels forwards as the claws slice at the spot where he once stood. He leaps across the rooftops before pushing off a telephone pole and disappearing underneath a water tower in a desperate attempt to save himself from the unknown horror.

He backs up, his heart still thumping wildly in his ears. His shell hits a plush, breathing shape, and a shriek sounds from his mouth as grimy yellow spit nearly falls onto his head. He sprints away, flipping over a streetlight and landing on the street as his giant green feet keep pounding against the still pavement. Spotting a garbage can, he throws himself in and slams the lid shut, enveloping himself in darkness.

His breaths come out quick and choppy as he slowly turns on his t-phone. The dim light from the screen slowly illuminates his terrified face, then the red eyes beside him. The thing roars, its massive yellow buck teeth closing in on the terrified terrapin as he screams.


Leonardo grips one katana with both hands, shutting his eyes and breathing deeply. He brings the weapon up, slicing through the air and moving carefully as he practices alone. Nearby, Raphael and Michelangelo spar with each other.

Raphael does a backflip, landing near a tree. Destiny, who sits among the branches, watches the three turtles with amusement shining in her eyes. After a recent encounter with some mutant, human-hating frogs, she got a little bruised, prompting the turtles to insist that she take it easier with the sparring.

Below her tree, Diaval sits with his eyes shut and his legs crossed. Destiny's t-phone rests in his lap, attached to the earbuds streaming calming Mozart into Diaval's ears as he hovers a few inches off the ground.

"So is Donnie coming down or what?" Raphael asks as he dodges a few shuriken that Michelangelo flicks at him. He runs around the tree as the stars lodge themselves in the wood.

Michelangelo tails his brother around the trunk, nunchucks swinging. "I couldn't wake him up, so I put some dirty underwear on his face!" He grins proudly.

Destiny flicks her tail and crinkles her nose. "One, gross. Two, how do you even get that? None of you wear underwear."

Michelangelo winks and places one finger over his lips. "A ninja never reveals his secrets."

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