Chapter 15: Trapped in a Nightmare

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Donatello runs as if wading through molasses as the sewer tunnels rotate all around him. He reaches the end of the tunnel of bursts into an office block, dashing through the halls between the cubicles as Dark Beaver clones crawl after him from all directions.

"No!" he gasps as he throws himself into an elevator.

The elevator door opens and he flies out into the lair kitchen. He slams the fridge door and falls against it, panting heavily. His breathing slows when he notices a can of coffee on the counter. A redhead in a yellow dress can be seen on the label, holding a cup of coffee and winking out at Donatello. The purple-masked turtle's forehead creases.

"Wait, is that...April?" he asks, grabbing the can.

"Wake up!" the April logo cries.

Dark Beaver clones shriek and roar as he looks up from the can. Donatello screams.


In Leonardo's dream, he tiredly fights off Dire Beaver but has very little actual success. The purple rodent punches him in the jaw, smacks him with his paddle tail, and sends him sailing into the air with a well-aimed right hook.

As Leonardo goes tumbling head over heels into the sky, the beaver gives a powerful push with his hind legs and goes sailing after him, fist at the ready. Just as they're about to connect again, the sound of Leonardo's t-phone goes off, freezing them in midair.

"Well, aren't you going to answer?" Dire Beaver asks.

"Okay..." Leonardo says, reaching for his phone and answering it.

April's voice breaks through. "Leo! You have to wake up! Wake up!" she exclaims.

"I am awake," Leonardo tells her, throwing his free hand up in the air. He floats in place, although he hardly seems to notice. "I got superpowers from a meteor and now I'm fighting a giant beaver, and..." He trails off, his eyes narrowing as he turns to his opponent. "Hey, am I dreaming you?"

"Not a chance!" Dire Beaver growls.

Time unfreezes in an instant. With a hard punch from a furry purple fist, Leonardo goes sailing out of the atmosphere and into the sun, screaming the whole way.


Hard rock music keeps blaring as Raphael screams, snakes slithering around his head. Dread Beaver continues cackling as he commands the giant white snake above him. The reptile hisses and zips downwards. It swallows Michelangelo, then Destiny, then Donatello, and Leonardo last. It zooms towards Raphael, mouth gaping.

Right before it's about to eat him, April's voice sounds from the reptile's throat. "Raph! You have to wake up! Now!" she calls.

"Huh?" Raphael asks.

The snake clears his throat. "Pardon me."

It lets out a hissing roar and lunges for the red-masked turtle again.


Michelangelo pants, his eyes drooped as the candy land beings continue to laugh all around him. "Man, this ping-pong is really wearing me out," he admits as Dave bounces a ball off his head over and over and over.

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