Chapter 38: Tension

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Destiny pulls herself into the pizzeria lair, collapsing onto the floor and panting heavily. Casey perks up, having been pacing in the kitchen angrily until she arrived.

"Wolfie? What happened?" he asks, moving closer to her and helping her up.

She stumbles, leaning against him as he keeps her steady. "Poison gas..." she explains through her heavy breaths. "The guys...went after Karai..."

"Casey? Is someone here?" April calls.

"It's just Des," he replies.

A second later, she peeks her head into the kitchen. Master Splinter's face appears above her. Both faces slacken with worry at the sight of Destiny. Destiny notices April open her mouth to say something, but the mutant answers first.

"Just poisoned." Destiny laughs weakly. She grimaces and rubs her throat. "I'm getting my...voice back though."

Master Splinter's eyebrows crease as he stands and moves to the wolf mutant's side, worry evident in his eyes. She coughs, still using Casey as a support.

"Casey, bring her to the couch," the rat orders.

Casey nods, scooping Destiny off her feet and carrying her out to the living room. She sighs, pulling her ears back.

"Really, don't worry too much," she mumbles as Casey sets her down. "I just need to relax."

"Did you inhale the poison or was it some other method?" Splinter inquires, kneeling next to her.

"Inhaled, yeah. I was..." She trails off, a look of guilt crossing her face for a second. "I was next to Karai when Bradford and Xever showed up and threw this...poison grenade." She sighs and shuts her eyes. "They got away with Karai. I have to get out there and help the turtles."

"Not until I'm sure that the poison is out of your system," Splinter warns.

She frowns, staring up at them. "I need to help..."

"I understand the feeling, wolfie," Casey mumbles.

"Mmhmm," April agrees.

Splinter sighs and places a gentle hand on Destiny's head, petting her wolf ears. Her tail wags lightly, thumping against the couch as she smiles and shut her eyes. For some reason, having her ears stroked has always calmed her down.

"You're going to be fine," Splinter murmurs. "My sons are capable of doing this mission on their own. Until then, you must rest."

"Thanks dad," she mumbles without thinking, feeling herself growing sleepy.

He smiles. "You are very welcome, my daughter."



Casey looks up from his magazine, his shoulders leaned against the couch even though he's sitting on the floor. Destiny still lays on the couch, but her complexion has regained its colour and her eyes have gained their spark back. She smiles just enough to show the points of her fangs.

Casey's dark eyes dart towards the table a little ways away from them, where April and Splinter play chess together, before he shifts just enough to lean his face towards the wolf girl.

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