Chapter 63: Mutants In Time

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The time window slides open, allowing the turtles, Diaval, Destiny, and Renet to drop out. They land hard on the ground, letting out a few groans and mutters as they get to their feet. They're standing in a forest where the trees are just starting to thin out and clear blue sky can be seen far ahead.

"Where the heck are we?" Michelangelo asks.

"More like when are we," Renet corrects, gripping the Time Sceptre as she tucks it nearer to her chest.

Donatello wanders to a wooden sign planted in the dirt near them. "Avalon," he reads. "Camelot. The Tower of the Demon?" He grimaces and looks back at his group. "This is not good."

Destiny and Diaval simultaneously perk up and Diaval dips his head towards his friend, eyes widened slightly more than they usually are. " those books you read before?" he asks. Memories of Destiny reading out loud by the fireplace flood him, the evening air pushing gently against their Canadian tiny house with every gust.

"Camelot, like King Arthur, Knights of the Round Table Camelot?" Destiny asks, her tail starting to swing. She lowers her voice and leans toward Diaval. "I think so."

"Um...guys? Look," Leonardo says. He's wandered towards the edge of the trees, one finger aimed at the distance.

Little huts sit in clusters on rolling hills, creating a quaint little village that rests before a grand castle that rises above it all. Diaval's mouth falls open. Donatello gasps and turns to face the group, his expression lingering at the halfway point between dazed and awed.

"We're in medieval times!" he exclaims.

"England in the year 980 A.D. to be exact," Renet says. Diaval perks up and stares closer at the village. "That is so cold, right? Isn't that what you say in your time? Cold?"

"It's actually 'cool'," Raphael corrects with an eye roll as he wanders over to her. "And no, this is not cool. At all!"

"Um, well, I meant to send him back one hundred million years," Renet says, as if admitting to her mistake will make it better. "You have to help me stop him!"

Glances are exchanged, most of them unsure. Leonardo sighs. "It looks like we have no choice, guys. We gotta save history," he decides.

"Yes! You guys are such groovy daddy-Os," Renet grins, and she points at Destiny. "Or...cold cats!"

"They're turtles. She's a wolf," Diaval mutters.

"Oh snap!" Michelangelo pipes up. "Renet, I got a rad idea," he says as he bounces over to her. "Check this out."

He grabs her forearm and gently pulls her away. He whispers to her, making a few weird noises and gestures as he points to his confused brothers and friends.

Renet laughs. "The sceptre can do that. It's just a little quantum manipulation."

She spins the sceptre as it starts to glow, then smacks the staff to the ground, creating a yellow shockwave. In a split second, the turtles, Destiny, and Diaval are wearing LARPing costumes. Leonardo wears a knight costume, complete with a helmet, blanket cape, and armour. Raphael is a dwarf, his shell covered with a fur toga and a horned helmet. Donatello is the wizard with his magic staff, purple cloak, pointed hat, and a flowing white beard. Michelangelo looks like an elf, right down to the fake ears and the Robin Hood hat that he's wearing.

Destiny stares down at herself, eyes wide. She wears a slimming leather dress with a pleated skirt paired with black shorts underneath. She has leather gauntlets tied around her wrists and a white cape is fastened to her shoulders. It waves in the light breeze. There's a headband beneath her hair and a fake golden jewel hangs from it, resting just above the ridge of her nose.

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