Chapter 12: We're Your Family

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"So that's it," April says, slumping back against the wooden swing and staring up at the stars. "She's leaving tonight and if I don't go with her, she's going anyway. She's too scared of the turtles, Des, and Diaval."

Casey's shoulders sag. His dark brown eyes scan the nighttime surroundings, legs gently rocking the swing as the tree branches above them creak in the wind.

"That's rough, Red, but I understand if you want to go with her," he says. His lips fall into a miserable frown and he swallows. "She's your mom. It's just, I don't want—"

"April! Casey!" Destiny shouts.

She bursts from the house and races towards them, panting heavily. April and Casey stand up, stepping forward to meet the wolf girl.

"Des, what is it?" April asks as Destiny skids to a stop in front of them.

She tries to calm her breaths, but she's still completely freaked out by the sudden events. "It's your mother. She's not..." She shakes her head, gripping her curls. "Mikey was right. Diaval was right, I...we should've listened to them! Diaval tried to warn me—"

Casey reaches out and takes Destiny's wrist, turning her arm towards him as he notices four long, purplish bruises appearing on her skin.

"Des, who did this?" he demands.

She rips her arm away from him, clutching it to her chest. "Not important. The point is, whatever mom is, she did something to the others. She got Leo, Donnie, Mikey, and now I don't know if Raph and Diaval are okay..."

"No," April says, her face twisting as she takes a step back. "No, you're wrong!"

"Aw, come on, wolfie. Not you too," Casey groans.

The sound of the door slamming comes again as Raphael dashes from the house, out of breath but alright. He instantly goes to his friends.

"Raph, you're okay!" Destiny breathes, hugging him tightly as soon as he's in reach. "But...w-where's—"

"Don't worry, little sister," he says, returning the hug. He looks back at the house, shaking his head as his gaze finds April's. "Whatever Des told you, she's right. Mom isn't what you think she is," he pants, still trying to catch his breath.

The third newcomer walks onto the porch, making both Raphael and Destiny tense up. Diaval slowly turns his head to the group and starts down the steps, walking with long, uninterrupted strides. Raphael seems to relax slightly, but Destiny only gets more on edge.

"April should go," Diaval says. He stops directly in front of Raphael, although his eyes lock on April. "Mom's looking for you. I could tell her you'll go?"

"What? I never said I was going—" April starts.

She moves towards Diaval but Destiny reacts first, stepping in front of her redheaded friend and blocking any advance with her body. She glares up at Diaval, a snarl on her lips.

"You're not him," she growls.

His mouth spreads into a small smile and he chuckles, just twice. Destiny's claws unsheathe and her fur stands on end as the rough, grating sound reaches her ears. It's the laugh of someone who hasn't laughed in a very long time, like turning on a machine that's been left to rust underground, hidden away.

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