Chapter 1

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Sakura's POV

"Sakura I swear to God if you don't get your ass outta that bed in the next three seconds I'm leaving without you!"

I rolled my eyes in annoyance at the screeching sound of my best friend's voice echoing throughout my house, I chose to ignore her and instead continued my sleep, snuggling further into the warm bed.

I could have sworn I heard Ino mumble something along the lines of 'no wonder why you never had a boyfriend, you never go out' but I ignored that too and shut my eyes, hoping to fall back asleep. My eyes were clouded with images of my dreams when I felt my body hit the floor with an extremely painful thud.

"What the fuck?" I gasped. "You did not just push me off the damn bed!" I yelled at her, over the sound of her booming laughter. I got up and wiped the imaginary dust off my ass before glaring at her and stifling a yawn, grabbing my pillow and shoving it in her face, finally shutting her up and she groaned, the sound muffled by the pillow in her face.

"I'm going to pretend that didn't happen because we're going be late, so hurry up and get ready Sakura." Ino said, grabbing her keys off the table and slinging her bag over her shoulder. I rolled my eyes for what had to be the thousandth time today.

"Where are we're going." I yawned rubbing my eyes.

"Oh come on Sakura, are you fucking being serious right now." Ino face palmed.

"Yes I'm fucking being serious it's Saturday Ino." I groaned.

"No best friend of mine is staying in on a Saturday night" Ino huffed crossing her arms.


"No buts, First we're going shopping with the girls to get our outfits for tonight because kiba is throwing a party at his house and we're going." Ino stated.

"Not another high school party Ino and didn't Kiba already threw one." I mumbled.

"Yeah at the beginning of our senior year that was three months ago." Ino pointed out.

"Ughhh." I groaned laying back down on the bed.

"Now hurry up Forehead." Ino yelled before leaving my room.

"Great." I mumbled under my breath and got up from the bed, fixing it before going straight into the bathroom. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth and walked out to the closet.

I change into a gray crop top, gray jogger pants, and a gray jacket. I brushed down my long pink hair and put it up in a high ponytail. Then I put some mascara on and some red lipgloss. After getting ready I grabbed my phone, purse, keys, and wallet and left my room.

I ran down the stairs and made a quick breakfast because I didn't want to get yelled at by pig again. My parents have already left for work so the house was completely empty.

After eating I put on my white sneakers by the door and left the house locking it with my keys. I hopped in piggy's car and put my seat belts on.

"Finally!" Ino dramatically spoked while I rolled my eyes.

Ino and I had been best friends for the best part of ten years. We were attached by the hip. Two peas in a pod. Despite the obvious differences in personality and style, we were the same person.

I remember when I caught her stuffing socks in her bra in grade school and in that moment I knew we'd be besties for life. I smiled at the distant memory, inwardly chuckling at the mess of Victoria secret perfume and puberty we were at that age.

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