Chapter 13

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Sakura's POV

Two days have passed since we left the Uchiha cabin. We're have celebrated Christmas Day with family. Today is Hinata's 18 birthday. Naruto planned a birthday celebration for her. I also got her a gift for her birthday.

I know Christmas just passed and there's no need to give gifts but I will really love to give her something special. I bought her a self care set full of skin and hair products for her to use.

Naruto said the birthday is at a event his parents rented. His mother offered to help with the preparation of the party. He told us girls to help get Hinata ready for her birthday party. So I'm heading to her house and meet up with the girls there.

I slide in the high heels and grabbed my phone, keys, and purse, I walked out of mine and Sasuke's room. I strolled down the stairs and was about to leave, that was until I heard a voice.

"Where are you going?"

I turned around and locked eyes with Itachi. He was smiling as he stood there. I smiled back.

"I'm going to Hinata's house." I told him.

"Then I take you there." He said.

"What! Why?" I asked confused.

"Sasuke told me to keep my eyes on you and if you had to go somewhere then I would have to escort you myself." Itachi stated.

I sighed "Sasuke can be soo dramatic."

Itachi smiled "I don't blame him really. He's just worried about you and the baby's safety. Especially what happened last time."

"I understand where he's coming from but still..." I was cut off by Itachi.

"I understand." He said.

I sighed "ok let's go."

We left the house and walked to Itachi's car. He drove out the driveway and down the road.

"So are you ready to find out the gender of the baby?" Itachi asked me.

I nodded "yeah I am my appointment is in a few weeks. Sasuke is honestly really excited."

Itachi chuckled "I have noticed. He's really happy about being a father."

"He be great father." I smiled.

Itachi nodded "I believe that."

We're finally arrived at Hinata's house and I got out of the car.

"Thank you so much Itachi." I said.

"Anytime Sakura."

I walked to Hinata's porch and knocked on the door. The person who opened it was Hinata's little sister Hanabi.

"Oh hey Sakura! Hinata is in her room with the other girls." She said.

"Thanks Hanabi." I said and walked in.

I noticed that as soon I stepped foot in the house. I saw Itachi starting his car and drove away after making sure I'm inside the house. Sasuke probably told him to do that. Knowing him he would definitely do something like that. Honestly I noticed the entire Uchiha family are overprotective of me, even fugaku Sasuke's father.

I walked towards Hinata's room and knocked.

"Come in." I heard her soft voice.

I came in and saw Ino, Tenten, Temari, Karin, and even Tamaki were all getting everything together. The room was a mess with clothes and makeup all over the place. I bet that's Ino doing.

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