Chapter 18

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Sakura's POV

It has been two weeks since the night where I almost lost my life. This past two weeks Sasuke and I have been traumatized that we skipped the two whole week of school just so we can recover from what had happened. We're glad nothing damaging happened and that Sarada is okay.

Mikoto has been watching me like a hawk all day and every day. Every move I make she always has to make sure I'm ok. She cried the entire day when she found out someone tried to kill me again. Everyone thinks that it's the same person who payed criminals to kidnap me last time. Came back and was trying again to get rid of me.

I don't know who this person is. No one knows. It's like there's no trials left behind, like this person doesn't even exist. And it's so frustrating and now I'm scared to go outside because of this person.

Sasuke has been extra overprotective and cautious about everything. He doesn't even leave my sight. That night when we came home Sasuke didn't leave me alone and was stuck by my side like glue and still is.

Earlier today Shisui and Obito decided that we should have a pool day in our backyard pool. We're all agreed and right now I'm currently wearing a light green maternity one piece swimsuit with spaghetti straps. If I wasn't pregnant or if I wasn't really big I would have wore a two piece bikini.

I saw that Sasuke was wearing his blue swim trunks, and a black tank top that he will be taking off later. He looked up at me and smiled as he walked over. He pulled me closer and kissed me on the lips.

"Ok are you ready for the pool." Sasuke said.

I nodded "yeah."

We walked out and went downstairs to the backyards door. As soon we opened the door we heard yelling and laughing from obito and Rin.

"Don't you dare! Don't you DARE!" Rin hisses at obito, holding onto her husband's shoulders as the man was trying to push her into the pool.

"Aw, come on, Rin!" Obito whines when Rin pulls away and goes to sit down with Izumi, Itachi, and Rita on the edge of the pool dipping her legs in the water. "You look so pretty in that bikini, don't let it go to waste." Obito looks her up and down, licking his lips. I giggled and Sasuke faced palm at his cousin's pervertedness.

"No! Not right now obito later." Rin shouted embarrassed as her cheeks were turning bright red. "Go hang out with Shisui or something." Rin added.

"Hey everyone." I said bringing everyone's attention on me and Sasuke.

"Hey you guys." Obito yelled out waving. He was now in the pool swimming around.

"Wow Sakura you look good." Izumi smiled.

"You think so I look like a giant balloon in a swimsuit." I giggled.

"Girl no! You look stunning pregnancy looks good on you, you glowing." Rita complimented.

"Awww thanks girls." I blushed walking towards the pool but Sasuke stopped me.

"What's up." I looked at him with a smile.

"I'm coming with you. I'm not letting you go in the pool alone." Sasuke said.

I nodded and we both got in and sitting on the steps of the pool.


Third person POV

Shisui jumped in the water, while as everyone watched him quickly swimming straight to the other side of the pool.

"It's really fun! You should try it Itachi!" Shisui called out to Itachi.

"Um.. I'm good, thanks!" Itachi replied, turning to the book in his hand.

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