Chapter 4

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Sakura's POV

"WHAT?" My father roared, jumping out of his comfortable spot on the couch. His calm face was now a deep shade of red, and his blue eyes appeared to be on fire. I sat in a chair across from him and my shocked-face mother. Tears were brimming in my eyes as I tried to explain to my parents what was happening to me. What was happening inside of me.

"Daddy, please, I didn't mean to-" The tears were flowing now. I had expected my dad to explode, but it didn't mean that I enjoyed any of it. My father is a strict man and I know he's really angry at me right now.

"Didn't mean to?" he shouted, I looked at my mother seeing if she will back me up but she was just sitting there glaring at me with disgust. Of course she will never back me up besides she never was the best mom and she really didn't care for me.

"How does one not mean to get pregnant." He said with venom lace in his voice.

"Sakura I am so disappointed in you how could you put us all through this. You are just an ungrateful brat." My mother yelled. Put them through this? Tsk what about my feelings. They never once thought about how I felt. I know my parents never wanted me from the start they always wanted a son.

"It's disgraceful! Do you know that the whole town will be gossiping about this? Not to mention the shunning we will get from the business." My father said.

"Is business the only thing you two ever think about. You two are the worst parents ever and I hate you both so much with the bottom of my heart." I shouted.

With a blink of an eye I was met with mother's hand slapping me right across my face. I was stunned and tears welled up from my eyes and streamed down my face like a waterfall.

I looked up and met with my mother's detestation look in her eyes. This is the first time I've seen this kind of look on her face. It was full of loath.

"How dare you speak to us like that you stupid little bitch." She screamed at the top of her lungs at me. I was shaking wildly from fear. This is the first time I've ever felt this kind of fear from my own parents.

"I don't want you here anymore, I want you out of my house this instant." My father spoke which caught me off guard. I felt my heart shatter and cut me inside.

Before I could do or say anything my dad harshly grabbed me by the arm and Power walking to the exit door of the house, mom was following him. As soon he opened the door he roughly pushed me out and I lost my balance and was this close to hit the hard ground. I closed my eyes waiting for the painful impact. I made sure to protect my stomach as I was about to fall down but it didn't happened.

Instead I felt two strong arms holding me tight and pulling me closer to his chest. I looked up with my teary eyes and met with charcoal black orbs staring down at me with concern. He had long black hair that was pulled back in a low ponytail.

His eyes immediately turned daggers at the sight of my bruised up cheek. The same spot where my mother slapped me and I'm sure it's turning bright red since it stings.


Sasuke's POV

It's the next day on Sunday. The day where Sakura and I agreed on telling our parents about the pregnancy thing. I was walking down the stairs to the living room where everyone is at.

I was nervous if I'm being honest but I'm sure my parents would be supportive about it but they obviously will be disappointed as well. They were the same way with Itachi when he and Izumi got pregnant at sixteen. But the only thing different here is Itachi and Izumi were dating when he got her pregnant, but as for me on the other hand I got my classmate pregnant.

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