Chapter 3

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Sasuke's POV

Three weeks have past since that unforgettable night at kiba's house. I haven't talked to Sakura ever since and neither has she. Whenever we cross paths like in the hallways, the classrooms, the convenience store, the cafe, etc. She either pretends she didn't see me or just walks past me.

It's driving me crazy because this girl means a lot to me way before we're had sex. I liked her for a while and watching that person you passionate about ignoring you is annoying. Did she regret doing it with me because I didn't regret one thing about it. I rather do something like this with her than any other girl.

When I first met her I knew just then she was different from most people. She's kind, pure, friendly, and extremely intelligent. Her long pretty pink hair and her Jade green eyes allured me at first sight. She's absolutely breathtaking and elegant.

I remember when dobe told me he and her are close friends since middle school. The idiot didn't bother telling me this some friend he is. When I asked him how he knows her he just said they met at a Christmas party when they were 10.

She is also close friends with his annoying cousin Karin. I don't have any problems with Karin she's actually a good person. I just don't like how clingy she was when we were 8 but at least her silly little crush she once had died down when we reached our teens age. She is more interest in Suigetsu now which I'm glad.

Right now I'm in my room watching Tv since it's a Saturday afternoon. I haven't planned on doing anything until later when I come over to Dobe's place for a game night. The guy's planned a gaming night and Naruto volunteered to use his house since his parents won't be back until Monday.

Suddenly the door to my room opened and my older brother's five year old son came running in.

"What are you doing itsuki?" I asked him.

"Uncle Sasuke shhh." He shushed me.

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I'm playing hide-and-go-seek with Seito." He said mentioning my cousin Obito's eight year old son. With that said itsuki hid underneath my bed thinking it's a good hiding spot. I remember when Naruto and I used to play this game.

He used to do all the hiding and I will have to seek him out, but in reality I just make him go hide to get him out of my hair. While I go somewhere to relax pretending I having a hard time looking for him. The idiot will hide for hours thinking I'm searching for him.

I chuckled at the memory of my childhood with Naruto it was good times I have to admit.

The door to my bedroom door opened once again and came in was my cousin's son Seito. He smiled as he looked up at me.

"Hey Sasuke is itsuki here?" Seito asked.

I decided not to rat out my little nephew so I said "no he's not here, why you ask."

"We playing hide-and-go-seek." Seito calmly explained. The kid is so calm and collective nothing like his idiot dad he's more like Rin.

"Well have fun searching." I spoke.

"Ok I go and search cousin Itachi's room." He said turning around leaving.

After the door was shut I waited a few seconds "ok he's gone you can come out."

Itsuki crawled out from underneath my bed and smiled "thank you uncle Sasuke."

"Anytime kid." I ruffled his hair.


Sakura's POV

It was now Friday, I was walking into the restaurant where I was meeting up with Ino and the other's for lunch. These past two days I have been feeling miserable.

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