Chapter 11

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Sakura's POV

Sasuke and I got out of the car and we're walked in the house. I don't know why my parents are here. Facing them will bring all the bad memories, all the nightmares that took me so long to get over. What will I say to them, how will I free myself from all of this.

Sasuke took my hand and squeezed it giving me reassurance. I looked at him and he nodded with a smile, telling me he will be by my side with every step of the way. I smiled back and nodded. We finally walked to the living room where I see my parents, Sasuke's parents, the boys and their wife's.

Sasuke's father and Itachi were sending glares at my parents. The room was quiet that was until everyone spotted me and Sasuke.

"Oh, sweethearts you have arrive back." Mikoto said softly.

"Why are these people here?" I bluntly asked.

"That's not how you talk to your parents Sakura." My mother said.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Just take a seat Sakura. We're have some things to tell you." My so called father stated.

"I don't want to hear what you have to say just fucking leave." I crossed my arms not sparing them another gaze.

"We're not going anywhere until you will hear what we have to say." Dad spoked in a unsympathetic way

"Fine." I said before grabbing Sasuke's hand and walked us over to spare seats. My parents noticed our hands being held together and they looked unpleased. As I sat down I looked up at them and glared.

"Okay listen carefully Sakura. We're here to take you back home with us." My mother bluntly said.

"Tsk, have you two lost your minds or what. Haven't you forgotten that you two kicked me out of that damn house. Is it because I'm pregnant with an Uchiha baby is that why you guys all of a sudden want me back. You people are greedy money hungry fools and I will never go back to that house." I angrily spoke out. Surprising everyone around me and myself.

When did get this much confidence to talk like that.

"You listen here Sakura and listen well. It's either you come back to us or we're take that baby away from you when he or she is born." My mother smirked.

My eyes and Sasuke and his family's eyes widened at what my mother just said. Impossible I will never let that happen. I will never let them lay a finger on my baby.

"A-are you trying to threaten me." I said.

"Yes that is if you don't listen to us." My father stated harshly.

I felt like my eyes are welling up with tears. How can they be so evil. Threatening to take my unborn child away from me if I don't come back to them. I feel like I'm a prisoner when I'm at that house. I don't want to go back there I'm happy with Sasuke and his family.

"Why do you guys want me so bad. Why don't you just leave me alone, forget you had a daughter. Just forget all about me." I desperately said.

"You're a Haruno Sakura, and it's your duty to take over the Haruno company once your father retires. And as for that baby you carrying inside of you it's a Uchiha. He or she will bring lots of money to our company. Think about it Sakura it's a good deal." Mom said.

I looked at the both of them in disgust and disbelief. They are so horrible I can't believe they will use my baby for money.

"Pathetic!" I said with venom lacing my voice.

"What?" My father said with a glare.

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