Chapter 2

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Sasuke's POV

"TEMEE!! Will you hurry up and get your ass out of that car already." Dobe's annoying voice was heard by the door steps of kiba's house. Damn how loud is this idiots voice is.

"I'm coming dobe just fucking be quiet." I groaned as I walked to the front door.

It's bad enough I was dragged out here by dobe and Suigetsu. I rather stay home and do nothing than go here to this dumb party kiba is hosting.

As we walked in, the place was already packed with horny teenagers. Some are in the corners making out, some are dancing and what I mean by dancing I mean grinding each other, and the rest of them were drinking liquor in solo cups.

This is why I don't like going here.

"Yo Naruto, Sasuke you guys made it." Kiba bro hugged us. The dude was already drunk. Of course he is.

"Where's Hinata?" Dobe asked as he looked around for a certain midnight blue hair girl.

"Your girlfriend is not here yet." Kiba spoked.

"When she gets here can you tell her I'm in the kitchen?" Naruto asked.

Kiba nodded "yeah whatever bro."

Dobe walked off to the kitchen and I decided to tag along and get a drink. When we arrived there we saw the others standing there drinking from their solo cups.

"Heyyy you guys came." Naruto shouted.

"Of course we're came." Neji rolled his eyes.

"It's not like we had a choice I rather sleep but Temari insisted." Shikamaru yawned.

"Have you guys seen the girls I was hoping to ask Karin for a dance." Suigetsu said.

"Dude you been crushing on my cousin like forever when are you going to make a move." Dobe stated.

"Soon." Suigetsu shrugged.

Listening to these idiots talking is giving me a headache. I walked to the table where some of the alcohols are displayed at and took shots of vodka. Suddenly we heard heels clicking and some girls came in the kitchen.

It was Dobe's girlfriend and his cousin and their two best friends Temari and Tenten. Temari went straight to Shikamaru and kissed him before dragging him out the kitchen and went god knows where.

Naruto immediately started making out with Hinata while Neji and Tenten went somewhere else to get some more drinks. Suigetsu asked Karin to dance with him which she gladly accepted. And I assume Sai went to find that blonde girl Ino he always stares at and he even draws her in his sketchbooks. The man is in love with her but too shy to make a move.

I decided to leave dobe and his girlfriend alone since they look busy. I walked out with my solo cup in hand looking around the room.


A couple hours have passed and I decided to just go home. I was really drunk and tired and it looks like dobe will stay here until tomorrow. Just as I was about to leave my eyes spotted a girl with familiar long pink hair dancing in the dance floor.

I know I seen that hair color countless times before but where. Digging my Brain to remember is not doing me any good is just causing me agony.

Watching her dance is making me hard for some reason I never thought I could ever feel something like this towards anyone. It's probably the alcohol doing.

The song suddenly changed and she continued moving her hips in circles and I don't know what's gotten into me, but I walked up to her and put my arms around her waist. My eyes were slightly blurry but I could see her beautiful half lidded emerald green eyes. I know I seen those eyes before but the question is where.

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