Chapter 15

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Sakura's POV

"Why do I have to wear a blind fold?!" I asked.

I was in the car with Tenten, Ino, and Hinata. They came over helped me with my outfit and makeup and now we are heading to my gender reveal party. Apparently Ino and Tenten got up at 4 in the morning and started helping aunt Kushina setting up the party.

"Because I want it to be a surprise!" Ino said.
I sighed and lied my head back. The place we were heading is a bit far but I don't mind. I'm happy I'm wearing something that's comfortable. I was wearing a short off the shoulder white dress, with white heels. The dress made my baby bum visible to everyone to see.

I usually wear one of Sasuke's jackets to cover up my stomach from unwanted attention but since it's just family and friends I think it's fine.

From what I remember before Hinata and Ino put the blind fold on me. Ino was wearing a beautiful pink dress that fitted her just right and Hinata was wearing a nice flowy pink dress, they both are team girl. Tenten is wearing a short skin tight blue dress. She thinks the baby is going to be a boy.

"I tried giving Kushina $20 earlier so she can tell me the gender but she wouldn't budge. The woman is good at keeping secrets." Tenten said she was driving down the road to our destination.

"I guess you just have to find out later." Hinata giggled.

"She wants it to be a surprise for everyone." Ino added.

"Anyway Hinata what did aunt Kushina say about your pregnancy?" I asked.

"She was really excited and happy about it. I thought she will be mad but no the woman was full of energy just like what Naruto had said. His dad was okay with it he just wanted to know if we were going take responsibility of our actions, which we will." Hinata stated.

"That's good I'm happy for you." I smiled even though I couldn't see anything with this stupid blindfold on.

"But how did your parents react?" Ino asked.

"Well my mom and little sister were supportive but my father, let's just say he got up and walked away from us. He didn't say or did anything. I haven't seen him since then but he will be at the gender reveal though." Hinata said.

"Wow!" Tenten said.

"Yep." Hinata sighed.

"Oh look we're here." Ino announced.

"Finally!" I said.

"Wow this place is amazing." Hinata gushed. I tried to take off the blind fold but someone grabbed my wrist.

"Not yet forehead. Let's get you in front of the house first." Ino said.

I sighed and nodded.

Hinata and Ino helped me out of the car and helped me walk to where Ino wanted me to stand.

"Tenten get my camera!" Ino said.

"Here." Tenten said.

"Come on you guys." I said impatiently.

"Okay one..."

I felt someone behind me and who is getting ready to take the blindfold off.


"And three! Hinata go ahead and take the blindfold off now!"

Ino ordered Hinata and she did as told. When I opened my eyes I was at first blinded by the light then soon I saw the place in front of me. My jaw dropped. It was an outdoor venue and it was decorated so beautifully. My attention turn to Ino who was too busy taking pictures of my reactions.

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