Chapter 9

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Third person's POV

"As of right now the kidnappers have been caught and are now in court getting arrested for kidnapping Sakura Haruno and Itsuki Uchiha. The two individuals made it out alive and are currently at the hospital. The kidnappers were be questioned by the authorities."

"Oh my gosh you guys Sakura and itsuki are okay." Rin shouted happily.

All of Sakura's friends were crying with happy and relieved tears. As they all hugged one another.

"I'm so glad." Hinata smiled with tears in her eyes.

"Me too." Tenten said softly.

Ino phone suddenly buzzed indicating that someone is calling. Ino looked at her phone and instantly stood up.

"Oh my gosh it's Sakura." Ino squealed.

"Put it on speaker." Temari told her.

Ino answered the call and put it on speaker and started yelling out questions "Hey forehead! Are you alright? Is the baby okay? What happened? Answer me woman."

"Babe let her answer the question one at a time." Sai said.

"I'm okay pig." Sakura said with a giggle.

Everyone sighed in relief as they heard her voice.

"Forehead how dare you get me all worried like that. Tell me what actually happened." Ino spoked.

"Well as you already know itsuki and I got kidnapped. Next thing I know, I woke up I was drowning." Sakura explained.

"Drowning? What are you saying Sakura?" Naruto asked confused.

"What I mean is I was tied up in a bathtub with the faucet on. I couldn't move and If it wasn't for itsuki who helped me I will have died." Sakura told them.

"Oh god that's terrible someone must have plotted to end you, Sakura." Shikamaru said.

"Yes I agreed that exactly what they guys said." Sakura spoke.

"But who has a vendetta against you. you're a really nice person?" Neji asked.

Sakura giggled "I don't know."

"Wait Sakura do you think it was her." Hinata suddenly spoke.

Ino gasped and looked at Hinata "Wait are you talking about Ami."

"Yeah she's been acting strange lately and she even tried to fight Sakura yesterday after school." Hinata told them.

"Well I don't know if it's Ami but I doubt it. She's just one of those obsessed fan girls at least that's what Sasuke says." Sakura said.

"Ughh I hate those fan girls. They always chase Sasuke around." Kiba sneered.

"Yeah and they never leave him alone that's really annoying." Suigetsu added.

Naruto chimed in "I feel bad for Sasuke he has to deal with them."

The women in the room laughed and the men just shook their heads.


"What!! Impossible how could they fail." Ami screamed.

"I don't know but if I were you I will be worried because the police got ahold of these kidnappers." Kasumi stated.

"I'm not worried about that I'm disappointed that they didn't get the job done." Ami kicked her chair in anger.

"I need another plan and fast." Ami said.

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