Chapter 6

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Sakura's POV

I woke up to the sun practically yelling at me to get up. I definitely wasn't feeling better today. I have been feeling like shit for the past two weeks. The good news I'm finally two months pregnant. Today is the day for my ultrasound appointment.

If i have to be honest pregnancy is too hard. My morning sickness is getting worse every time. My hormones aren't helping either. I have been feeling mood swings lately and weird cravings.

I sit up only to feel the same build up of nausea I felt earlier, ughh not again! I got up quickly and ran to the bathroom. Oh my gosh I can't wait for this stage of pregnancy to end. I hate vomiting.

After about 2 minutes of dry heaving, I got up to brush my teeth while slagging and putting my entire weight on the bathroom sink. After that I realize I don't have the energy to stand much on the shower so bath time is necessary.

The past two weeks I have been feeling happy with Sasuke and his family. They so nice and loving and now I'm starting to understand that not everyone is like my parents. If I have to be honest I enjoy spending time with Sasuke he's always there for me in school and at home. We're really close now.

I think I'm falling in love with him. He's the reason why I'm starting to feel wanted and not neglected. I love him for that and my feelings for him are genuine growing each day.

As for my parents they haven't try to contact me not even once after I left that day. Why should they. I mean they never care. All they care about is money and power. And finding out I was pregnant with a baby Uchiha they went money hungry for the wealth and fame.

I do want to talk to the both of them at least for the last time. I just want to know why did they keep me if they hated me so much. So many times I thought I was useless and unwanted because of them. I never thought people would even accept me because of them. Mother was suppose to nurture and care for me, instead I was ignored, seen as a disappointment when I hadn't done nothing wrong.

Father was supposed to protect me from all evil and yet he was Satan himself. How do I care about people who treated me like nothing my whole life?
I just can't! I just want to know the reason for their hate towards me. After I get my answers from them I will move on and forget about them forever. I have a new life now with Sasuke, his family, and my baby.

30 minutes after relaxing in the bathtub, i quickly got dressed up for the day. I wore a gray off the shoulder sweater, blue ripped jeans, and some brown ankle boots. I'm glad I got a new wardrobe, I felt bad for using Izumi, Rin, and Rita's stuff. Even if they didn't mind.

I walked to my vanity mirror to do my makeup. I put some mascara on, with little blush, and pink lipgloss. I fixed up the bed and left the room afterwards.

I huff as I suddenly feel grumpy. I went downstairs and to the kitchen and get some food, my first love. The girls and the guys are all sitting there chatting, laughing away. I look straight at the oven to see if the maid left some breakfast for me, and she did. I smile and rush to it, putting it on the table and immediately eating like I haven't ate in days. That's what happens when you're pregnant you eat every minute of the day.

"Well Hello to you too." Rita mumbles while the others all look at me. I look at them under my lashes and grunt, going back to eating. I'm not trying to be mean but the pregnancy hormones are getting to me.

Everyone looked at me with concerns on their faces except Sasuke who had amusement in his eyes with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Don't worry it's just her mood swings. She's been having that for some time now." Sasuke chuckled at me.

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