Chapter 19

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Warning: sensitive scenes like violence and attempted murder

Sasuke's POV

I was sitting in the living room playing video games with the boys. Patiently waiting for Sakura to come back from her errands with the girls. She went out earlier in the morning to get her hair and nails done for today's graduation ceremony that starts at night time.

Obito and Rin went with them and I made sure that obito will watched over her since she's 35 weeks into her pregnancy. Sakura texted me earlier and told me she picked out her dress and heels for tonight and was really excited to show me.

"Yo teme why are you spaced out like that?" Naruto asked.

"Shut up dobe. I wasn't spacing out." I muttered under my breath.

"Yeah right stop lying dude." Naruto snorted.

"Just pay attention to the damn game moron." I rolled my eyes.

"Pfft, I should be saying that to you."

"Ughh! You two will be dads soon and y'all still argue like little kids." Shikamaru grumbled.

I scoffed "What's gotten you in a bad mood."

"Yeah dude what's up with you lately. You act like you're on your period or something." Naruto replied with scowl on his face.

"I agree you have been like that for a while all angry and not in the mood for anything." Suigetsu chimed in.

"It's because of Temari." Sai pointed out.

Shikamaru punched him in his arm "Shut the fuck up why the hell are you telling everyone about this."

The guys and I looked at each with our eyebrows raised. Neji paused the game and turned his attention to Shikamaru.

"Dude! What's going on? What's happening?" Neji asked.

Shikamaru sighed "It's Temari she's has been moody lately and it's driving me crazy. One second she's all angry and complains to much then later she's all emotional and starts crying like it's the end of the would."

"Damnnn!" Kiba looked shocked.

I looked at Naruto and he looked at me. We both nodded understanding the situation Shikamaru is dealing with.

"Well all I can say is to take Temari to the doctor's office she's probably sick or something." I said trying to convince him to take her there. If she is what I think she is then Shikamaru needs to prepare for it.

"Fine I take her tomorrow."


Right now the girls and I are sitting down on the tables waiting for Obito and Rin to come back with food. We're have been shopping all day today since this early morning and even yesterday. I got the perfect dress and heels for graduation and I can't wait to show Sasuke.

I made sure to get a dress that will fit me and comfortable for me to wear since I'm currently 8 months pregnant. I only have 4 more weeks to go before giving birth.

Hinata is 10 weeks pregnant and almost in her 2ed trimester. She is starting to show and her belly was getting bigger if you looked too hard.

The girls and I planned on going to a crafting shop after we're done eating to get our graduation caps decorated. I was thinking of having cherry blossoms and pink glitter on mine and a small quote in the middle.

"Hey Temari are you okay! What's wrong?" Tenten asked.

"I'm fine!" Temari softly said with a smile.

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