Chapter 7

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Third person's POV

"What!? I can't believe this are you sure?" Ami screamed.

"Yes it's true Ami. We're heard people gossiping that Sasuke got Sakura pregnant and she's living with him and his family." Fuki stated.

"I also heard his family adore her especially his mother." Kasumi pointed out.

"NOOOOOOOOOO! That can not happen, I was supposed to be the one to end up with Sasuke." Ami shouted and started trashing up her room.

"If this Sakura chick think she can take Sasuke away from me than she had another thing coming. I need to get rid of her and fast." Ami screamed on top of her lungs while smashing her things onto the floor.

Her parents came running in her room after hearing screams and things shattered all over the place.

"What's going on." Her mother said as she looked around seeing lots of glass pieces of a vase, makeup products, designer clothing, shoes, handbags, hair accessories, and etc were all over Ami's floor.

"Honey what have you done." Ami's mother said in shock as she covered her mouth.

"It's all her fault she took what is mine." Ami shouted once more kicking the chair in the process.

"What are you saying, I don't understand." Her father spoked.

"Just leave get out of my room." Ami shouted as her mascara tears were running down her face.

"Sweetheart please talk to us." Her mother pleaded.

"Mom please just go, I talk to you later." Ami yelled kicking out her parents and slamming the door.

Fuki walked closer to her friend and hugged her "Ami are you okay."

"No! I'm not okay I need to make a plan and fast there is no way I'm letting this bitch take my place."

"Don't worry we'll help you." Kasumi stated.

Ami wiped her tears away "will you do that."

Fuki and kasumi looked at each other "Of course." They both said.

Ami smiled an evil smile as she continued wiping her eyes dry "Alright let's hurry up and make a plan."


Sakura's POV

"Wait you're telling me you and Sasuke are dating." Ino yelled in excitement.

"Yes I told him about my feelings yesterday and he did too and then we kissed." I blushed.

"I'm so happy for you Sakura." Hinata smiled.

"Now we're all dating isn't that cool." Tenten pointed out.

"Yeah it is and now we're can all do couple things." Karin stated.

"Like what?" Temari asked.

"You know go on a couple trip and play some dirty games, you know." Karin smirked at the thought.

"You so nasty Karin." Hinata giggled.

"But I do agree on a couple trip that doesn't sound bad. We're do it In Christmas." Ino said.

"Oh yeah isn't thanksgiving next week." Temari chimed in.

"Yes I can't wait to celebrate. This will be my first thanksgiving ever and I'm so happy to celebrate it with my new family." I smiled at the thought.

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