Chapter 14

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Sakura's POV

"What is wrong with Hinata?" Ino asked me as we were getting our things from our lockers.

Second semester started two weeks ago and now we're are back at school. Ino and I were getting our supplies for our next class, that was until Ino started talking about our dear friend Hinata.

"What you mean." I crocked a brow.

"Forehead! Haven't you noticed how sick she is these past few days."

"I mean yeah I have, but Hinata said it was stomach bug." I shrugged.

Ino face palmed "I know damn well that was no stomach bug. It's something else I just can't seem to pinpoint it yet."

I rolled my eyes "let's just get to class pig."

As I said that I dragged her arm with me. We walked down the hallway in silence before decided to start talking again "so today is your baby gender appointment."

"Yeah! I'm really excited for the party."

"I bet Sasuke is excited too." Ino smirked.

"Are you kidding me he can't even contain himself." I giggled as we walk in the classroom.

We saw Hinata laying her head down on table. She looked so pale and exhausted. Naruto was sitting next to her and rubbing her back.

"Man, Hinata you look like shit." Ino pointed out.

"I feel like shit." Hinata groaned.

"What's going on with you Hinata. You been like this for days?" Naruto asked.

"I don't know!" Hinata said in a weak voice.

"I think should just go and see a doctor Hinata." Neji voice was suddenly heard as he walked in the classroom.


"No buts Hinata this is getting serious." Neji scolded.

"Neji is right Hinata. I think you should go." Tenten stated.

"You can come with us after school." Sasuke spoked as he was standing by the door.

"Yeah that's a great idea! Sasuke and I are going to find out the gender of our baby. You should definitely come with us and get checked out." I smiled.

Hinata nodded "okay."

"Dobe are you going to come too." Sasuke said.

"Believe me I be happy to come along but I have some errands to do with my dad later after school. But I keep Hinata's safety in your hands teme." Naruto said and Sasuke nodded.

Suddenly the door opened and came in our math teacher kurenai Sensei. She walked in front and greeted us.

"Alright everyone take your seats." She said.

After we're all took our rightful seats. Kurenai Sensei looked at me and said "alright before we're start Sakura how's your pregnancy going dear? Are you alright?" She asked.

I nodded "Thank you I'm fine."

Ever since I'm starting to get bigger the students at school always gawking and gossiping at me when I walk down the hallway or when I get to class. I honestly don't care because I don't go to school to sit there and entertain people. I go to school for my education and for me to spend time with my boyfriend and friends.

The teachers always ask if I'm okay and they try to make things easier for me, which I don't really like, cause like that's annoying. They should treat me as a normal student like everyone else. But I do appreciate it because they really nice to me and they didn't judge me because I'm a soon to be a young teen mom.

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