Chapter 20

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A week later

Third person POV

A week has passed since Sakura gave birth to Sarada and was now in a coma from the car accident that almost took her life away. She was lying down on the bed unconscious with wires connected to her chest to monitor her heartbeat and an IV wire on her hand to prevent her from getting dehydrated.

Sasuke hasn't left her side ever since the first day. He hasn't been sleeping or eating properly. It was like his  life was meaningless without the woman he's madly in love. Sarada was currently in the hospital nursery sleeping and being monitored by nurses since she was born a month earlier.

Sasuke family and friends have been worrying about his health. The man hasn't left the hospital ever since the day when they rushed Sakura to the hospital and when she gave birth to their daughter. They tried countless times to get him out of the hospital and get him to rest but he refused and insisted on staying with Sakura until she wakes up.

Naruto on the other hand had enough with Sasuke's stubbornness. Watching his best friend being depressed was not good for his health. He knew he had to do something, so he barged in Sakura's room and slightly startled Sasuke by the loud sudden noise.

"What the hell dobe." Sasuke glared.

"Teme! Enough is enough. Get your ass out of that room and get some fresh air." Naruto pointed at the door.

Sasuke looked away from Naruto with a frown "just leave me alone."

"I tired of your gloomy self Sasuke....this is not healthy." Naruto spoke in a serious matter.

Naruto then noticed the sadness in Sasuke's eyes as he stared at his fiancé's knocked out form. He has never seen Sasuke like this before. He never seen him in so much pain and suffering. Sakura must be so important to him because he clearly can't function without her.

Naruto always knew how Sasuke looks at her before they started dating. He knew that he was in love with her on their first year of high school. He remembered when he used to lecture Sasuke about making a move.

And now as he is watching his best friend like this was painful that Naruto couldn't help but tear up. He understood Sasuke's pain and as his friend he made it his mission to get Sasuke out of the hospital, he can't bare to see him like this

"Listen Sasuke, Sakura will be fine. The doctor said she will wake up some time soon. Why don't we go out and grab bite to eat and get some fresh air and then we can come back here. How does that sound."

Sasuke looked up at him with his tired eyes and sighed "Fine."

Naruto smiled "Great! Come on the guys are waiting for us outside."

Just as they opened the door to leave they were face to face with Ino and Hinata.

"Oh hey you two." Naruto smiled.

"Oh hey Naruto you finally got Sasuke out from the room, I see." Ino smirked.

Naruto nodded "yeah we going to grab food and come back here. What are you guys doing here?"

"We came to visit Sakura and Sarada." Hinata answered.

"Well that's great we're come back later." Naruto smiled at his girlfriend and Ino.


A hour has passed since Sasuke and Naruto left the hospital to get food. Ino and Hinata sat there next to Sakura who is still asleep. Both of them were talking to her subconscious about their day.

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